pick your specialty - lets arK
networks can will and do accommodate all tasks - the neu tron computer
is functional solution
- prosperity
- ecology
- integrity
- methods
- networks
- administration
- operating system
- superbrain integration
- art/archeoogical investigation
- celebration
the perfect process is maintained as a well administered network within an
upfront screen of chaos and operates on a similar principle to a spirit balance
used to square a building - building a lasting mansion of the mind and
building a physical mansion follows the same principles it is set up within computer systems by dividing the
load between co-operating partners. everyone who so chooses can
participate on the design for local regional and global balance - to
upgrading - the updating is automatic - the geometry is revealed on
X once we clean out the files and establish a system of no
garbage in we will get no garbage out - this begins with balancing each
thesis against its anti-thesis until synthesis is agreed upon by all
concerned to (+1)+(-1)=0
logical scenario = someone virtually guiding
you in a way that acknowledges your position of
development and can direct you instantly to your
resonant sector serve and empower =
create and contribute = focus and distribute = serve and empower
see thru and to triggers tell
coe stop all - all stop
neu world servers go the mass has ended start all - all start the avatar of synthesis *
theory = a substantial amount of foundational metaphysical
thinking can be easily conveyed and synthesized via networking
the shift has occured - amplify the signal - Scan your sphere of
influence and move to light speed - become one with the
light of the world
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