the transcendental software
group is a universal reference term for neu world servers and the
comprehensive entirety of their collective works both across the ages of
humankind and in timeless hyper-space - the realm of biomutants, psi-ops, and avatars
this super-conscious collective is constantly contributing to the writing
rewriting and improvement of the OS (operating system) of this
bio-computer/planet/system in order to run develop and support the
ultimate app - life - in integrity fidelity equilibrium
true contribution is a 100% balanced naturally reciprocative symbiotic
relationship which fulfills and sustains everyone who is sincerely
involved in serving - (service: n 1. work done by one person or group
that benefits another = if everybody does it, everybody benefits)...
to serve is to
this reciprocation is experienced directly
as limitless oscillating vibrational energy = once you tap it the
well-spring of energy available to you in support and for the
development of whatever forms your creative function takes on is
infinite... the crystal chip runs on the perfect process / perfect
neutrality - ie: the accounting system is infallible unbiased and just -
so all positive returns are automatic... this formula is based on
universal facts that are readily accessible to all in the form of
everything that has does and will continue to successfully contribute to
the mutual benefit of all life
an omni-dimensional collective
omni-dimensional collective of transmuted neutronis
have seamlessly replaced (by modifying the program - enhancing the
useful stuff / neutralizing the useless) what was previously known as
mystery schools or secret societies... these institutions of old served
the function of protecting preserving and distributing information to
the select (like VPN users behind a fire-wall) from inside a corrupt
system (worm-virus-trojan horse riddled) for the benefit of future
fractal generations
it worked and we are now the overwhelmingly
grateful inheritors of all human history in the form of one integrally
regenerative comprehensive all-inclusive non-biased reference directory
generated by the interaction and co-operation of the user/operators of
functional applications (like the one we are using right now) designed
by and for user/operators to freely create access share and unify
information and put it to good use toward total regeneration and the
restoration of equilibrium / harmony throughout the system
the crux of the biscuit is the fact that all the secrets and mysteries that
have been revealed say the same thing - there is a plan - this plan is
come to its conclusion - the conclusion is good - changeover complete -
the state of undivided mind
in the unified field anyone
can access anything from anywhere at
any time... transcendental software makes
installing/running a neu free OS
for your crystal chip simple straitforward and fun - how basic
integrity intuition discipline and a few shifts of perception/attention
is what enables the individual to recognize that sovereign operation is
the conscious
appreciation needed to apply
talents resources and potential toward our
co-creative capacity to communicate
transcendental software:
the organic spiritual guidance
system intelligence
synthesis xenetic
crossover platform the negentropic reflector
psychic anatomy / psi
human anatomy / eye viewer
conveyance tone code