on linear chains of circumstantial succession as start points a
guidance system that allows for this atomic phenomena to be within the
parameters of safe non cataclysmic conditions
he has put together by deductive reasoning a chain of circumstantial
evidence that may deeply affect the world of thinking men.
- most of what brings on lack of stability in the atomic structure is -
a chain of circumstantial evidence that may deeply affect the world
of thinking men.
the creative beauty of nature all its compassion and the massive amounts
of love that indeed do xist have what to do with issues - that may
deeply affect the world of thinking men
possibly making sure some atomically stable individuals ingest (2 serve man 2) such conjectures is a
substantial component of the overstructured buffer system that provides
the respect/reverence to nature that it requires as a living thinking
being - which may deeply affect the world of thinking men
chks and balance - always sought out the most artistic magnetics to
coe-laborate thru coe-operation with ... this whole sojourn of
transitional communications was reliant on this system more than any
prior to it - point is scanning all circuits at regular intervals during
any given day or nite cycle all-ways puts the ground based perspective
in the position of -- there is absolutely no other thing that we would
rather do for in doing this we have made the next progressive step in
this life-time-art approach while verifying the source of intelligence
that allows this to be done with translation - which may deeply
affect the world of thinking men
[hal to win] <- [IOS] -> [solution disciplines]