popular myth
we've heard the popular myth of talking about man and the universe (the life magazine type of story) which starts universe off as an astronomical aggregate of primordial chaos in some kind of vast nothingness... somehow or other out of this enormous amount of chaos, in which the scientist finds that random elements are always increasing, ergo becoming ever more chaotic, until the random elements suddenly jell in an inexplicably orderly way and we have all the extraordinary things like daisies, diamonds, and moons... then it is also said that the scientist wrests order out of chaos... this implies that there were extraordinary scientsits standing off somewhere from the primordial ooze to suddenly make the dasies, diamonds, and moons... the legendary scientist is a magician and, therefore, he is a great benefactor of society...

many a great scientist who has made a great discovery, has noted, somewhere in his letters, manuscripts, or diaries and in his recorded talks with his friends just what he had first thought might be going on in certain events of nature which had excited him into making an experiment... according to the great scientists' own records, their formulations, their hypotheses about what might be going on always turned out to be very crude as compared to what they actually found to be the patterns operative in nature, which always disclosed an extraordinarily sublime, a priori orderliness... in finding that the sum of all our relationships always add to one neat complete, closest-packed tetrahedron we understand why the scientist had to find orderliness...

during the early days of world war II scientists found their narrow fields of specialization beginning to overlap one with the other by virtue of the powerful instruments and the increasing numbers of abutting specialists... the biologist found himself suddenly overlapping the area of the chemist, and the chemist found himself overlapping the area of the physicist... this brought about all the interhyphenating of the sciences such as in bio-chemistry, and so forth... now the microworld scientists all find themselves so overlapped as to realize that they are in one world, with everywhere the same sublime orderliness... and the orderliness of various aspects of nature are all interrelated, so they realize that they are dealing in just one great, sublimely coordinated, comprehensive accounting system employed by nature... nature is not only orderly but the orderliness is rationally accountable in pure principle... and pure principles have no beginnings or endings... therefore, we are not dealing in universe that has to be pictured or explained by a beginning or an ending... the experiences may be a chaotic array... but the interconnections are orderly... what we mean by understanding is: apprehending and comprehending all the interrelationships of experiences... understanding is symmetrically tetrahedronal...