scenario universe
when people say of Universe, "i wonder what is outside its outside?" they are trying to conjure a unitary conception and are asking for a single picture of an infinitely transforming, nonsimultaneous scenario... therefore, their question is not only unanswerable but unrealistic, and indicates that they have not listened seriously to Einstein and are only disclosing their ignorance of its significance when they boastfully tell you that the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second...

you cannot get out of Universe... Universe is not a system... Universe is not a shape... Universe is a scenario... you are always in Universe... you can only get out of systems...

humans have always tried to conform their concepts of Universe to their own human prototype... humans stop and start; sleep and wake; are born, grow, decay, and die: so humans thought the Universe must also have a beginning and an end... now astrophysicists find this to be untrue... there could never have been a primordial chaos, simply because scientists now know that the proton and neutron always and only coexist in the most exquisite interorderliness... there could never have been a time when their integrity was not an integrity...

Universe is a scenario... Scenario Universe is the finite but nonunitarily conceptual aggregate of only partially overlapping and communicated experiences of humanity... Uni-verse is a momentarily glimpsed, special-case, systemic-episode takeout... when we start synergetically with wholes, we have to deal with the scenario within which we discover episodes - like the frog the snake is swallowing...