in most cities, the slums run horizontally out behind, and are hidden by, the larger buildings... but with the opulent buildings of caracas filling the entire valley floor, the only place left for the slum blight to spread was onto the rising slopes of its flanking mountains... in caracas you can see the slums all along the hills... with the shacks constructed of the rubble of leftovers of yesterday's changing materials the different slum areas draped over the lower mountainsides have the color effects of patchwork quilts... they make a deep impression... they disclose a large proportion of poverty as yet unbenefited by the energy wealth released by venezuela's petroleum... i was asked to meet with educators there in caracas; much of my meeting was with the university students and those successful citizens who thoughtfully and wisely take responsibility for the general advancement of public education... first telling the caracans of findings regarding environmental effects on IQ capabilities, i pointed out to them that the "real schoolhouses" are the homes in the slums right there on the hillsides... none of the slum shacks have running water... there are no sewer lines and no bathrooms or inside toilets... getting sanitary waste disposal and bathrooms into those slums would up the IQ capabilities 50% in a short space of time... a bathroom isn't just a piece of machinery... it is intimate to the fundamental routine of cleanliness, morality, and clear thinking... the ability to cope with filth-bred fungi and bacteria and their ravaging, through sanitary waste disposal and ready-to-hand soap and running water, has many subconsciously important relationships to the scheduled inaugurations of the progressive cerebral capabilities of the new life... whether the older life really wants more life, and whether the environment manifests that older life is going to try to make its arrangements to foster life more adequately deeply effects the "unfolding flowers" of the cortexial "gardens"... there are a million people sitting on those caracas hillsides who are looking right at all that modern plumbing in the valley and the bombs of resentment explode first in their hearts over their incapability to adequately foster their children... bombs going off in venezuela are all to do with this... of course illiterates are easy to incite into political revolution... but after the revolution there are no more sanitary facilities... so revolutions follow revolutions with never a sanitary gain...
despite the poverty of those slums, they bristle with TV antennas... secondhand TVs are connectable with civilization by wireless... secondhand plumbing needs billion-dollar water and sewer-line developments - and hillsides double the time and cost... in all the slums of the world, the TV antennas bristle... there is therefore a wireless hookup directly to the mothers and children who watch their televisions avidly... whatever comes over the TV to the children and parents is the essence of education for better or worse... television is the great educational medium... it is the number one potential emancipator from ignorance and economic disadvantage of the entire human family's residual poverty-stricken 60%... i pointed out to the caracans that their educational problems would not be solved in their universities but through sanitation in their slums and through educational TV advancements of high order... the little red schoolhouse was a worthy conception of our forefathers... the older life always identified education with higher possibilities of economic and cultural success... wanting their young life to have a better break of fortune than they - the parents - had experienced, they put their children on highest priority in the communal mandates upon their political leaders... thus education has become the most obviously acceptable political objective... politicians who set about to get high educational facilities for their constituents were most likely to succeed... thus the educational system has become a political football... the enormous appropriations for education, however, go primarily into building programs - on a "millions" for buildings and a "thousands" for teachers basis, approximately ten for the buildings and one for the teachers... in fact, education is a good way for politicians to keep the construction business going in bad times.. so the construction business lobbies for education... the construction industry is the political payoff system of least visible corruption... the great appalachian poverty program has turned out in the end to be only a road-construction bonanza for that branch of the construction industry... we don't need more brick... we don't need more gregorian architecture symbols... we need more wholesomely attractive and efficient sanitary facilities and superbly conceived television educational documentaries... early schools, with few to educate, had only one teacher... teachers were scarce because even the public literacy was very miniscule... it seemed appropriate to bring all the children out of the house for a little bit in order to have a chance to get the house clean... this did not mean that she did not love her children - but it was very nice to get them out for a while... there was therefore a babysitting function of the school... but mothers didn't like to say that it was babysitting, because they didn't want to seem to be getting something for nothing so they called it school... it also seemed desirable for the children to have social experience which the walk or ride to and from school and the children's proximity - drilling and playing together - provided.. however the least favorable environment for study is a schoolroom and closely placed desk prisons... dr. einstein did not sit in the middle of grand central station in order best to study math and physics... he went into seclusion to study as does any logical human being - in his private study or laboratory... let's return to basic proclivities of the new life... the child wants autonomy... the maturing student wants his privacy - his special place... we have learned by experimental work in education of the IQ capability favoring that was attainable with a little individual, private room-booth with a windowed door which "belonged" to each student... when he first entered he found in his private "room" all kinds of desirable items... he had his own telephone directly and privately connected to his teacher... he found a good dictionary; wall charts of the periodic table of elements; a world globe; a wall-mounted chart of the electromagnetic spectrum; his private typewriter, and other items conducive to thought and study... he did not feel inclined to go out of that room in order to find an environment more favorable to study... however he was not allowed to go into that room unless he was going to study... it became a privilege to be allowed to go in... he was not allowed to smoke in there, or to listen to music in there unless he had a music course... he could go outside his private study and there were places to smoke, places to have music, places to be social - to do anything else he wanted except study, calculate, and write... it became an obviously realized privilege to be allowed to go into his private study... the student found that when he was in his private study his reflexes became progressively conditioned, by association with that environment, to give himself spontaneously to study, calculation, and writing... he found himself producing... his mind really began to work... so i don't see any reason why, with television reaching not only children in their private homes in the slums but children in the privacy of their homes everywhere, why we should not bring education - school - to where the children are... that is a surprise concept - the school by television always and only in the home if possible in a special room in the home... try to remember your first experience in going to school... you suddenly find that there are inflexibly coupled chair-desks... you fit uncomfortably into yours... the next kid has one... everyone is pinned into his desk... one of the children psychologically escaping his lockup wants to go to the bathroom... you say maybe i'll go to the bathroom too... your try to escape to the bathroom... it has horrid smells... i immediately resented and as yet resent these stupid little bullpen desk-chair "straitjackets" where you are put on exhibition as they ask you to say things in front of others so that if you venture an original thought the others can laugh... this is conducive to showmanship and rote to learning but not to self-teaching and study... i think within the next ten years we are going to have to give up schoolhouses... your new educational media are going to make possible bringing the most important kinds of experiences right into the home... let's be honest; if you want to send the children out for babysitting, send them out for babysitting... send them out for social experience, to learn or lead parades, or whatever you want them to do, but don't let's confuse our objectives... give them a chance to discipline their own minds under the most favorable conditions... that is in their very own special private environment... we'd better mass-produce "one-pupil schools"; that is, little well-equipped capsule rooms to send them to all the homes; or we can design special private study rooms for homes... there are many ways we can do that... we'd better build that into the neu life... 1969
in the neu life .... this has all taken place - the continued look the other way vanity method has dominated all channels that will not survive without capitalistic gain which has come to include so much of the battered personal psyche looking for universal solution in worshipping false $$$ godz .... we move into the final clearing and filtering of distorted destructive signal methods everything and more is to be had by free flowing educational information across the entire communications grid of this world ... the wealth of empowering knowledge should be or in many cases is sharable - not for sale - spreading knowledge = wealth
* sanitation = the state of being clean and conducive to health / the act of rendering sanitary; the science of sanitary conditions; the preservation of health; the use of sanitary measures; hygiene