a violent world order has run this star system since the dawn of human
history - once it is replaced with a peaceful world order run for and by
honest people who respect the natural world the essentials of abundance
will be set in place - to find the middle pillar between growth and
sustainability requires a digital analysis of necessary but ignored
economics - for example - on the one hand every baby born is a blessing -
on the other hand it is a consumer - a producer of pollutants and cause
of cruelty in the animal world
in the present system capitalism is gorging on the planetary fat and
dying of a coronary as its metaphoric heartspace is shrinking and along
with its compassionate mindspace
but the common man is waking up from the dreamsleep that nation states
have imposed upon the working man since time began - the planetary elite
are now under scrutiny - info indicates that they have contingency plans
set in place to protect them from their own people once the truth is out
about the horrendous mismanagement of our planetary and human
resources which brings about dire poverty for some and limitless
wealth for others while the bills are paid by mr inbetween
each day the cia - celestial intelligence agencys objective reports are
coming in on modern sorcerers with unclean spirits who dominate 20th
century society by printing money which is then distributed to allies
who will help to increase the illusion of better and worse people in
our one planet society
sophistry is an argument which deceives - it is a form of sorcery - the
way gambling and other advertising mail/spam is sent out is sophistry -
emphasising about 1% of the story whereas gambling for the average
person is say 99% negative - the packaging industry is perhaps 20% valid
and 80% sophisticated imaging as the substance in the package diminishes
with the brightness of the box and free deals proclaimed therein - 3/4
of pharmaceutical industry is built on holographic images and a waste of
time and money - save for drawing the mind into their illusion
the common man is preyed upon by professional industrial psychologists
who know that they are sucking people into money traps - like lobsters
into lobster pots with psychological bait that has little or no basis in
fact - the tobacco industry is a prime example - in the final digital
analysis it is fair to say the devil is king of this world
if starting at the very top of the totem pole everyone was honest and
working as one spirit for the commonwealth of max II we could cut
the overhead of running this planet by lawyers by some 99% - and let the
food production and agriculture people run their own show -
a single computer could do it
it could simplify the law the way a calculator simplified mathematics -
at the press of a button in any library or computer we could reach a
global whos who and what is what that took care of linking the right
enquiry to the right solution
there is nothing to deny us leisure in this world of abundance - that is
free of hatred dishonesty violence greed - and all the other deadly
tools of sin and slow planetary death
this is why we advocate non-violent and truthful demonstrations to
explain why we plan anarchy - mutiny - work stoppages because we want to
change our way of life into one of abundance for all
here we come into complete agreement to work together for the
higher good - we consider good management - we begin by examining the
ultimate concept of perfection of the original intent - then we explore
the depth of density and the vibrant resonance of dynamic tension in the
planetary fabric - then we bring down the vision from the perfect mirror
image to the feet-on-the-ground practical application - here-now -
solid state technology - down under - begins in our
collective mind - this is the same way as its done up there
reasoning based on what i want rather than what the planet and i can
afford has led the planet into a state of near bankruptcy - what i
want has no root basis in sustainable reality - nor does it show any
sense of adult appreciation and so it leads to shameful waste of
planetary resources - the object of life is to transcend our adolescent
grasping and discover the joy of building and abundant new reality for
worship is an orderly and total response to immaculate creation - it
begins by getting the moat out of our eye - eliminating all negative
confusion and acknowledging that the creator has provided everything
necessary for modern man to have the same cornucopia of abundance which
suckled zeus and all creatures who formerly lived on earth - abundance or
impoverishment depends on applied intelligence - poverty is born of bad
or stupid management - earth has reached the point of exhaustion
there are no jobs as such in the neu reality - there are avocations
designed for and by the auric response of each and everyone - a lawyer
for example would feel the magnetic tug and of the injunction the
pursuit of justice shall be thy
pleasure - the same magnetic pull works for medical professionals
teachers writers journalists builders ecologists etc
it is interesting to note that should a biochemist - or somesuch -
transfer a braincell into the foot - the brain cell would find its way
home - a transplanted foot cell likewise - should this cell run into
insurmountable obstacles it would die trying to reach its destination -
the idea is very much like a lost cat finding its way home instinctually
over great distances
the true man can go with this flow too - our ladys brilliant logic
indicates that intelligent avocational positioning is overdue - that
population planning is likewise overdue - that parasitic life is out of
keeping with the neu earth era - that divisive religious cultural and
separative nation-state factions are outmoded
like the meridians as they approach the poles - science philosophy and
religion are bound to converge as they draw nearer to the whole
at 2.9 the time is right to bring whole earth abundance - mankind
needs enlightened leadership - take up your pen your telephone your
modem or whatever and begin to speak O new earth man - let every
sentence come from your alignment with the wishes of our lady - begin all
controversial statements with our ladys wisdom indicates - and continue
on from there stating her case in words luminous with her love truth
and wisdom for the benefit of all
overlapping bureaucracies is bad management - injustice inequity
inequality ecological disaster is bad management - bad management is
born of inefficient focuses on subjective issues which create anxiety -
rather than highlighting the value of objective results which stimulate
the collective adrenalin of the critical mass
we first ask ourselves then our brother - what stimulates your
adrenalin flow in a way that is not involved with sex or any personal
issues of kinship or tangible possession but with divine love for our
lady planet earth and all her holy family of inhabitants - if you
then look back into your treasure chest of talents derived from her
hand the genie of the lamp will reveal your emotional treasures - which
are your spiritual treasures - these are the wondrous gifts of spiritual
the ultimate bar codes of conduct for each
culture and profession for which these spiritual treasures are intended -
this wealth of spiritual knowledge must be aligned for abundant success
god loves each and every one in equal measure and the more dominant man
has no right to undermine the human rights and dignity of another - each
person is unique and special - part of the critical mass of rapturous
mankind - abundance begins with a recognition of ones own unique
abundance circuitry and recognition of the most special path along which
the identity has been led to world abundance
with this guide one may attain and hold a light speed constant -
which is the goal of the universal equation
abundance begins with the release and unification - via personal and
super computer systems of the storehouse of intellectual abundance which
we share as members of the human race
organization of talents can be done in such a way as to increase the
abundance of the whole earth where all knowledge is one - the bigger the
whole earth pie the bigger the piece each person gets
bartering to avoid unnecessary expenditure in the outer world - growing
garden produce where possible - home-making and old fashioned sewing are
all part of the abundance solution - one persons discard is often
another persons treasure
how will our abundant world run without money - is a common beginners
dismal question - much better much more efficiently more justly and in
a perfectly equitable way - when all our highly intelligent superbeings
graduation class begins to perk up - money is the negative backing put
on the fabric to keep man striving until natures goal of a transmuted
god-man specie is manifest in matter - abundance gushes from the
wellspring of god within - and there is plenty for all
[ good news] <- [mIrrOr] -> [world of abundance ]