teaching is singing the love song of creation - yet always
following the straight and narrow path of integrity - this allows us to
dance along the isotope line between dimensions - mind can travel up the
tube into the light of the neu earth day or down the tube into the
regions of its polar opposite which is the fiery vortex foreshadowed in
the tale of the apocalypse - this is done by the surrender of personal
free will to the perfect process - these two represent the greatest gift
of god to man - cosmic consciousness
since 1973 all was strung out between heaven and hell having gone to
the outer limits of potential consciousness - except the potential grows
with the outreach of it - thus the teacher is always the most humble
student of the master of the universe
a teacher can ask nothing of any student which they have not first
accomplished in person - each student-teacher relationship culminates in
the giving and receiving of a pearl beyond price - the only possible way
to see this is through the rear view mirror due to the fact that the we
are made of twin particles which are facing in the opposite directions
until their cycle is complete - this is when the symbolic snake bites
its own tail and knows its total self - this is the yin-yang era born in
each of us
watching the delicate balance wheel of your teacher training spiralling
round and round in ever upward cycles is the post applied metaphysicians
delight - each interaction with each student represents the motion of
wheels within wheels which glide together like a jewelled swiss watch
at 11.3 we can see the master gameplayer in action - what a
sight - all the love you have been giving now manifests on the landscape
of your inner world which you have built during the course of life in
the lower regions - everyone we meet here is a god-person with a jewel of
knowledge of god to give away - the most fascinating aspect of the
negative-positive flip is to find that the worst enemy has been the
best friend in the final analysis in terms of opening windows into the
mind of god-reality
our brainchild-world is formed to be just what we make of it with our
mother-loving care - she is the observer yin who can see that love is
consistent - love is cognitive - love is eternal
to know and love another human being is the root of knowledge -
the jewels of human relationship remain with us across
the perfect process works as does amazing grace - the river of life
takes many twists and turns - once the cosmic fire of horus has swept
through each internal kingdom to burn out all the underbrush of
negativity - then comes the cosmic spring of thoth
i will make this valley of dry bones bloom again is the promise - in
the cosmic spring each of our islands in the sky flourish as the
flood waters of appreciation spill over from the river of life - the
resultant quantum wave function causes the lush green growth of human
relationships appreciated to explode like the seed-banks of the sacred
nile in the silt deposits of rushing spring waters
teacher training and development is the most incredible wonderful
marvellous journey into the realm of higher mindspace - the subtlety of
lessons involved is way beyond the normal mode of understanding - to the
extent that a teacher can appreciate their training and development
schedule - they are bound to become a master graduate and an eternal
student of the one divine mind
magnetism is the lifeblood of the universe - the integrity of this
magnetic fluid (the liquid word of god) through the timeless tunnels of
space is the secret of time-space travel - to be a graduate master across
dimensions is inexplicable and completely unique as applied to your
graduate specifications - the world looks like an eternal snowflake
machine with people as similar yet unique as snowflakes
to faith add understanding is an especially valid exercise in teacher
development - the system doesn't work the other way around - unshakable
faith provides an opportunity for sacrifice which is the ultimate
pinnacle of learning - walk your talk
the twin cyclones black and white whirlpools of gravity and
anti-gravitational magnetism compete for ultimate supremacy of the
human will - this is the battle of armageddon now underway in this
planetary system - these are the forces of construction and destruction -
the teacher needs full conscious awareness of the thrust and parry of
each move these particles make
then quite suddenly mind hits the center of the solar cross and passes
through the ankh into the new reality - once the clouds and mist have
been moved away from the black and white yin-yang symbol the colors
start coming through the perfect crystal prism of the new mind - the
world of the illusion is now millions of light years away
the rainbow colors of the new mind should be balanced every day for
ongoing equilibrium of quarks in the auric field - these form the
starship which each one builds for use in the real world of infinity
to attain perfect balance it is a good idea to do exercises in red
green yellow and blue units - roughly ten of each per day - but if you
feel behind in any one color it should get more attention until the
initial balance is achieved - for example - to back off from
yellow organization units and to favor green which can cause an
efficiency drag
once balanced mirror reflections can be concentrated for specific use at special
times - in times of warfare we do more red reflects in times of peace more
green - but these only work well if yellow is always kept up to date - we
call this running on maintenance free specs
teacher development involves both passion and compassion - what is your
cross - what tragedy what horror has brought you to the summit of the
holy mountain - from the rear view mirror it is possible to appreciate
the polishing of the jewel - this vision is excruciating - this is how the
heart of stone (an essential aspect of life during the patriarchal
thrust) is turned into a heart of flesh and blood upon our return to the
matriarchal millennium
what did you learn - what can you teach - for the system of teaching in
atlantis was that a six year old taught a five year old and the five
year old the four year old and so on - in this way both the teacher and
the student reinforced their knowledge and the bonding of their common
heritage - you don't have to know everything to be a teacher - just teach
what you know
there are multiple pathways leading into the kingdom - science
religion philosophy psychology ufo's politics anthropology
egyptology metaphysics to name a few
whichever path we choose to begin with makes no difference - all
knowledge is one - all paths lead to a common summit of consciousness -
all end up in the same place but the surest and shortest route is most likely
the path of metaphysics
[ spiritual teachers] <- [mIrrOr] -> [eternal life ]