kingship is traditionally sent down from on high and 1993 is no
exception - when that which is perfect is come its game-over for that
which is in part - one flawless cosmic mirror provides a backdrop for
error correction of all other parts - as the mothership took off in
september 1973 the fabric crumbled - the old kingdom seemed
like straws blowing in the wind after a nuclear explosion - it was like
the flapping canvas backdrop in an old fashioned pantomime - there were
many witnesses who experienced this effect - behind the canvas was
another scene exactly like the first but of a substance less dense than
matter - the trees were brighter more translucent -
our whole dimension is covered in a veil - an intellectual shroud of
pre-coded separation from the real world - the veil is held in place by
the flaw on our cosmic mirror vanishes as we go
to the end of the thought about god and life - this is the prized
a-z-cosmology grade in metaphysics - going to the end of the thought
means examining all crucial and controversial issues in every level of
the parallel social natural and spiritual bands and definitively
closing each circuit
the solution comes up as a return to dynastic theocracy - god-man has far
greater freedom balanced with a far-far greater responsibly for his
own domestic affairs in matters of birth death and the husbandry of
planetary life - this is the middle pillar aspect - each generation is
responsible for its continuity of and keeping the principle of abundant
life on track
as the smoke of her burning dies away we enter the temple of infinity -
divine love is the catalyst - one drop turns the waters of humanity into
individualized crystal chips
[ the score] <- [mIrrOr] -> [crystal river ]