
crystal river

the crystal river - time has run out - the flood gates are open - the parallel rivers of the product of good and evil flow towards it side by side - one river carries the sparkling water of life - the other flows from the dark recesses of the cess pool of human greed power lust lies and all forms of anti-christic activity which seep from the whited sepulchre of the death of the human mind

the scales of justice are meticulously exact - they are not tipped to favor or disfavor any group or any one - the hidden manna is accessible to all - so forget the victim bit - this is the yod where the river of life branches into life and death worlds

there are three kinds of people in the world today and all are set in the free-will stream of life which they have chosen - some have chosen life - some have chosen death - some are floundering up stagnation creek still judging god almighty

the river of sick symptoms is overflowing and has burst its banks - it carries the effluvia of the ages which has now spilt across all the lower realms carrying with it all the pain dis-ease social cancer and natural disaster brought on by disobedience to the law of life

revelation foreshadows the events of this time - to give the faithful prehension and the means of avoiding apprehension - holy is as holy does - it reveals who is who and what is what concerning the end times and our final entry into the kingdom of heaven where god becomes man

the vision speaks about seven angels (zeitgeist of the times) who pour their vials into the atmosphere of earth - the vision declares i am alive for evermore and have the keys of hell and death - behold i come quickly - hold fast which thou hast - that no man may take thy crown - for the crown of life belongs to the sovereign identity - this above all to thine own self be true - thou can'st not then be false to any man

the egyptian star map calls this same matter energy space time destination ak-ka-ba - it is the end of the optical fiber line of mortal consciousness - when we pass back through the iris of the all-seeing eye and our blindness and sickness is cured - at the reunion of our ak-ka-ba components

the greeks call it the opening of pandoras box - in the hindu it is the dance of shiva - in islam it is the advent of zalzalah - female principle of allah - the reigning zeitgeist of the end times - it is the long awaited arrival of the thunderbird for the indigenous people

symptoms of a deadly illness that has beset this planet come gushing forth from the crystal skull - at point gethsamane the cess pool of the bottomless pit has cleared itself - thanks to the knights of the new earth empire who have been busy unblocking the impacted debris - now travel beside the crystal river flowing down to the crystal sea where one river enters and the other exits - each to a new existence

the symbols of the invisible army of light are everywhere for those with 20/20 vision - in 1983 we screamed the good news for all with ears to hear... we have found the exit to this planetary system

we had seen the different spheres of rainbow energy ascend and descend - like pistons pumping according to the tides of the celestial calendar - these are the mills of the gods working without pause to fulfil their function in their purification process - this recycling mill never stops pumping - it is like the universal kidney

the fiber optics are like crystal rivers with rainbow hues having their dams opened and closed - adjusted on their journey back to the higher regions of the celestial sea - the motherboard of mu - physical water is their material reflection

etheric water is incredible to view - its rivers run in reverse time so that every book you read seems to be in retrospect - every action seems to be an echo-back - either a starlog echo or a squelch - it is as if you can only read a book once you have experienced the content - so the author feels like an old friend coming forth to greet you

swimming across the river styx where all the excretion of the past is bobbing up and down like huge stools in a cesspool is the heady compost of evil that maturates the spirit - the anal connection to the great white throne

once you hit the celestial sea you have access to all the rivers of thought of which it is composed - in knowing the archetype of any of the elohim you can get onto a solid circuit connection with the wellspring of life

the singular one is the sea - i am one with the father means i have reached the heart of the celluar one and can access any part of the celestial sea - and so in september 1973 we joined the legions of eternity - the heavenly host - the light forces - e.T

we became one with the great spheres of intelligent energy in the service of the one - we became part of the unified field force here to guide all returning warriors now coming in from the land of the dead - ladies and gentlemen the starfields are calling - ones life-tapes get run through the correction system where all dross is burned away so as not to contaminate the central pool - to make this trip all excess baggage is removed - all valuables are saved

when our cellular child was born our i am starship made magnetic tracks for milky way - mothers udder is the elixir of life - the crystal river - along with the milk flows the sweet healing honey of life - these now flow abundantly over the parched earth to nourish the crystal cells

i will make this valley of dry bones bloom again says the lord - photosynthesis works - the 5th great moving force of the universe is man's true will in conjunction with the will of the one for the messianic era - here-now

for at (+1)+(-1)= 0 upon the completion of the life-cycle of the electron - the forward thrust of the yang patriarchal left side of the brain is overwhelmed by the magnetic attraction of the yin matriarchal right side of the brain - the child is now born and the victory is won

innocence is made perfect by immersion in the precious blood of human experience and which culminates in a flood of understanding - for until we become innocent - that is to say dependent for direction on the hidden manna from the right hand side of the brain - we will certainly try to judge our will from the illusion of the external world and by the likes and dislikes of our environmental programming

by grasping the helm of new earth leadership we receive the magic touch - the kiss of grace - whatever you put into the sacred circular river of life comes back to you in a hundredfold measure - let it flow - cast your bread upon the waters - if you love something - let it go - if it comes back to you it is yours - if it does not it never was your own

all the music given to earth takes on a new and deeper meaning as we raise our contrite hearts in deep humility - we stand in the light of truth before the throne of god descending unto men

in order to rise up in the air to meet the throne of light each star being must sever his/her own umbilical cord - each must detach his own poop deck of programmed negitrons - each must then ditch old style operations deck and change his modus operandi to the new earth victory stance - we then move up to the highest point of consciousness - the observation tower - and act effectively as part of the quantum wave function of light particles now swirling over the surface of the earth

let us gather by the river that passes before the throne - the old hymn suggests - let's do that - let us begin with a backward reflection on the sky gods of egypt aztec sumerian mayan whatever path has held the most attraction for the wandering spirit

let us gather to review the quarkfields of the ages - coming forth in all the pageantry and lustre which time has granted to them - once through the ankh or needles eye the crystal river gains momentum as it flows back to its source - the wellspring of life which is the throne of god

many crystal seeds like drops of water constitute the crystal river - each person on the earth is either a white healing cell (light being) or caught in a cluster of dead man's blood cells - this is the theme of holistic healing in new era - year 1993 - as functionary units of the holy trinity - truth and wisdom - past present and future are undefined - for all the knowledge that ever was blends into the ever present now - the sparkling water springs from the rock of ages - like moses we discover that there is no luck for those who strike the rock of ages seeking water - you have to stroke the rock for love is kind

this is done by honoring all the gods and elementals (bacteria etc.) returning 100% appreciation for their timeless efforts on behalf of their younger brethren - simian-god man - this is the completion of the redemption circuit - now let the crystal river flow

the crystal river is composed of the essence of all good people of all time who have contributed to our modern civilization - breathe in the lagoon - breathe out the crystal river - become part of the cosmic lung that brings health and wealth to all humanity - breathe fast - breathe slow - absorb at the pace that suits your stage of development - but breathe in unity and harmony - our planet is one - our life is one

tort and retort against all the negative errors - sin is a technical error against the law of life - we are bestowed with the power of perfection because of our parent - let us be perfect even as our father in heaven is perfect - we are composed of what mind-stuff (quarks) we choose to drink - the water of life is freely accessible to all - if our pipes are cleared of negatives and purified with positrons then the water can flow through us to resurrect the dying body of our world - the eternals are here to help us - for they too are part of the same crystal river of life as we - allah is merciful - osiris and isis have played their game of cosmic chess across the aeons of darkness until the coming forth by day and the gushing forth of the crystal river

the sacred river of life is positive and progressive - the key thing about any wise-man's teaching is that its positive philosophy be preserved - this invariably occurs after the death of its founder because the maturation of the original thought takes time for disciples to assimilate - people come and people go - only the story is real - the templates of sci-fi and reality converge in the 20th century

modern high technology permits us to enjoy a flypast of all the planetary gods at this time - each with his eternal banner flying - this is the second coming of the light in a quantum wave function - a veritable tidal wave of psi particles of light

the gateway to mu the motherland is open - finding the ankh is like finding a needle in the electromagnetic haystack - but we did it - this is the point where all the fiber optic web lines up for our great implosion into the future

we have completed the circular voyage of our journey back to the future via the navigational highways of the past - here is where the worm (snake of time) turns

in the end all circuits blend into a holograph - earth is locked inside the mirror like a ball frozen within an ice cube - in the beginning of the game we only see the tip of the iceberg - earth seems huge in comparison - by the end of the game the iceberg is fully surfaced - like a frozen tidal wave which captures earth like a leaf on a pond

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