

this is the resurrection button - where all the loose pieces of the jig-saw puzzle of omniscience jump into place - the pre- historic secrets of the ancient civilizations are the dry bones or dust of the earth revived into a glorious singular pattern to reveal the original creative intent of the singular one

in the neu earth era every adult person will take full responsibility for all that they know - at 3.6 platos cave and ezekiels grave mean the same thing - here superego - the former governor of conduct - is resurrected as the maturated spiritual mind - the old man of the woods in philosophy is the rigid superego whose dry bones have undergone a startling transformation through an influx of light - a second coming so to speak

this morality and ethics modulator now emerges as a rejuvenated super logistics - strong as stainless steel but highly flexible - the resurrected spiritual mind is ready to take the full responsibility for correcting all errors within its orbit of conscious awareness

the light shines brightly at the end of the tunnel - the key to understanding is the term children of is-ra-el which refers to archetypal persons who are on a conscious journey to the promised land - for the so-called jews were the people of judah - whereas the is-ra-el ites were the motley crew of odd tribes gathered from many nations of people who followed moses out of the land of egypt - sometimes known as the land of the dead - and across the fields of time on an evolutionary journey into higher consciousness

to the israelites it is promised i will make an everlasting covenant of peace with them - i will bless them and multiply them and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore - my dwelling place shall be with them and i will be their god and they shall be my people - then the nations will know that i the lord sanctify israel when my sanctuary is in the midst of them for evermore - ezekiel

god looses none of its power in becoming man - it still remains the fixed reference point -1 of universal energy in motion +1 - modern elohim orbit around this fulcrum to become the executive council of the neu earth era - our direct contact to the throne room - resurrection deals with this impartial board of earth-sky ombudsmen who are the standard bearers of royal specifications and ensure that the bar codes of conduct in each mirror reflection are proclaimed and maintained

placement strategies replace displacement tactics - the avoidance syndrome of passing the buck by setting up expensive investigative commissions which get nowhere because they are lifeless without the divine blessing - we can now begin to activate the solution - the executive council is equivalent to the many hands and feet of gods personal secretary - it is responsible for getting the holy family of earth and all its valuables treasures and talents safely across the great divide and established in the neu earth era - with all the dross removed but not one drop of the good being wasted

twelve councils comprise the neu earth ministry of state - they will be responsible for the maintenance of bar code standards which support the mutual benefit program for all life on earth by the conservation of energy which comes by running the planet on maintenance free specifications

conservation of energy is the means by which we will establish well-defined territories and avoid duplication of effort - to this end the executive councils are composed of mirror masters who can pop through dimensions on a daily basis via knowledge of the living mirror reflections - due to these specifications the executive is obviously composed of persons of the highest moral character and depth of understanding

the planning and execution on a non-violent revolution is a precise procedure - we come to make the world a better offer - one that appeals to the higher reason - not to the grasping mind of animal man - there comes a moment when the world stands still - the persons who were valid leaders in the period of forward thrust and centrifugal outfling of civilization suddenly become obsolete like the proverbial old man of the woods

old world leadership was held by the power of stealth and silence - that is to say manipulative control procedures went on behind closed doors - based on the colonial-type mentality which implies that the common man was too ignorant of political and high church matters to understand the complex machinations of a higher echelon of human beings

old world titans employed the power of silence to control the biomass - in effect this power is truly the sin of silence which is at an end - all global matters - national and international - come up front now in order that people can make informed decisions rather than have a minute minority make decisions for them - this can be handled through a wide open system of direct democracy - the basics are already in place - the tools can be organized very rapidly to make planetary welfare the responsibility of every adult man and woman on earth

the magic formula of metaphysics a - z -az-tec cosmology - is turn white light into black light into speed - when matter and energy hit the same perfect speed - the constant speed of light - we are into the yin-yang era - chains of closed and filled atoms attained by the practise of reflective thought now re-form a golden chain of hermes as we all pass through the light at the end of the tunnel together

honesty is the fulcrum of thechangeover - 2 + 2 = 4 not when there is anything more to add to his glory but when there is nothing more to shovel from the bottomless pit of human reprojection which takes away from the radiant one

as the executive council of the neu earth dynasty fuses into concerted action - for we are the awake generation working in harmonic convergence

our self sufficient starship has twelve dedicated councils to deal with 1 justice 2 ecology 3 standards of excellence 4 solid state digital solutions 5 cosmic design 6 global security and abundance 7 commerce and international relations 8 the super computer manifesto 9 harvesting strategy and tactics 10 media and public relations 11 education/human resources development and placement 12 ongoing planetary revitalization and celebration

many dynastic council members have located their appointed role by tracing the trajectory of the arrow of their cosmic education via the telescopic mirror - these know who they are - check in with your passport - for it is written - this above all to thine own self be true - thou can not then be false to any man

the executive councils are magnetized back to the fixed reference point upon the completion of our evolutionary journey into - matter energy time and space - the councils welcome enquiries from warriors escorts and liaison officers - inner vision lies beyond the power of thought - inner vision shows how each person on earth is destined to become a unique agent of change in the royal dynasty of the neu earth era

into materialization - levi brings man back to the timeless play of the permanent reality - we pass through in the twinkling of an eye as worlds co-incide - universal geometry maths and music are not difficult to understand - they are governed by two major forces - the force of entropy - the falling away from the light - the force of stability - they finally balance out in equal pairs of opposites in the yin-yang era of perfect equilibrium

the dynamic dramatization of repeated historical circuits from the inception of genesis to its genesis conclusion is made by the holy breath of the zeitgeist - these manifest through the brotherhoods black and white with the crook and the flail - this means that the selfish remain in darkness while the selfless see life in a brilliant neu lite - it all implodes in synchrony in a quantum wave function - a qwiff-pop in metaphysics - this is what ends the curse

the word brings the ancient ones out of the mists of forever into the light of day - where our eyes hearts and minds can meet in understanding - magnetic attraction to pure light grand unification and quantum pi ray does it - in basic terms this means that as gods personal secretary - my moon screen is a perfectly circular crystal orb which can see across matter energy space and time in all directions - for service to the one has brought me through the fiery furnace of ra and beyond the distortions of the smokey mirror

psychotronic warfare rages in the world below the abyss - we who are across the great divide are the messianic host - we have come to build the heaven on earth - we are tearing down the social barriers which hold the mass-mind in bondage to the titans - this is the finale of the great battle of armageddon - this is what ends the rebellion of the titans vs god

the mills of the gods may grind slowly but their milling is meticulous - they come for the harvest festival - the planetary cream of wheat - this season of fruitfulness has been 26,000 years in the making - by their fruit shall ye know them

use the mirror reflections to locate and claim your executive territory in the neu earth era

[ calendar] <- [mIrrOr] -> [resurrection]