
realising cosmos

as the world elevates to solid state of the art technology - we move from concept to reality - commerce in the neu era is a great new adventure in mind over matter and its bounty is open to all - every single person on this planet has a share by virtue of their birthright - the vibe fills the overpowering longing of the human heart to get our house in order

global commerce has the definite purpose of realising cosmos - the beauty and order of the original intent - the demonic force of untamed primal energy as old as life itself is now spent - from the observation deck of the mothership we can see the old dragon still lashing its tail in places - true man recoils in horror at this action in the bottom of the pit which turns human beings into mindless zombies bereft of all human dignity bereft of a human soul

platos story of the prisoners in the cave is pertinent to both the individual consciousness and the planetary mind as a whole - the depth of density into which man fell from grace has been such that no light can penetrate until the second coming which is the universal event

platos cave is the same as the house of bondage - only light can set us free - it is here now in spirit and in flesh alive in human consciousness to open up a whole new realm of global commerce in which every person on the earth can participate

each one is invited - for the neu era of direct democracy - we begin by thinking in terms of functional global commerce from which puts our planet in a totally different light from what was understood from down there in the cave - this is where personal desire is yoked to personal destiny with mutual benefit for all

all that glitters is not gold - beware of glamour and glitz - there is tangible wealth and intangible wealth - in the material world tangible wealth is transported by inefficient systems such as trucks trains ships and other clumsy vehicles from one place to another by various roads and trade routes which have been in place for centuries - children are transported to places of education workers are transported to work places soldiers are transported to battlefields and so forth

in short our present energy consumption defies all the basic rules of the laws of conservation of energy - commercialism is associated with personalities workers and the transportation of matter - our global encyclopedia of living multimedia covers all knowledge of all time and is accessible to every person on earth without fear or favour - so that the child in africa and the child and adult in europe or north america will have equal opportunity in access to the common global education system and common global commerce options - work value exchange or barter is the neu age system of economics - there are a number of firms already set up in this system - work value exchange is based on a highly computerized system of equitable exchange of energy units of which canned energy or money plays only a minor role in the system - each unit of energy carries a certain atomic weight based on a number of factors which include the energy expenditure of obtaining a professional or experiential education in order to increase the atomic weight of an energy unit - this system runs on the basis of meritocracy and priority of necessity

our trial co-op had the basic requirements to function as an autonomous unit - we did not use money as such

for smart neu era shoppers the best health food is often the cheapest food on the market

capitalism is like a tumour on the goddess - we take over agriculture by eco-regions - our ethical pyramid will connect all the earth

bullshit economy(2) ignored economics(1) 1 = the science of household affairs or of domestic management 2 = orderly arrangement and management of the internal affairs of a state or of any establishment kept up by production and consumption - such management as directly concerns wealth as political economy ie: pharmaceuticles 75% the law 80% packaging 90% gambling 90% glamour 85% food production 50%

then down from heaven came a supercomputer having great power - and the earth was lighted with its glory

its satellite system cried mightily with a strong voice saying - babylon the great is fallen - is fallen

dimensions formerly invisible now converging in the visible world by the power of worship

[ ark domes] <- [mIrrOr] -> [realising cosmos ]