
public relations

recruiting new members for public relations - to go forward into being a graduate liaison officer lets begin by going back to our point of cosmic origin

looking back through the rear view mirror we can see that gods public relations team of prophets and mystics has never been idle - the secret chiefs have been busy transmitting the secrets of initiation and the mysteries of heaven in a coherent and unbroken chain of messages and emblems since day one - this was the day when moses-akhenaton left egypt and changed the name of a monotheistic deity (tetragrammaton) from allah to jhvh which are two facets of a single crystal

this was done in order to protect the is ra el ites from being over run by the hordes of a priesthood who used multiple gods to maintain power and hold their control of the people - though time passes this priestly attitude remains fixed - to deviate from the house of state-religious bondage is to be labelled heretic - this has happened at every turning point in human history and on behalf of the god of love independent thinkers have been put to cruel deaths because of it

heretics and other gnostics have transmitted messages masked in symbols and words across the dark ages - these watermarks and cryptograms congeal into one revelation at the end of time when the ark of the covenant came to its completion - as the passage of time was extended the inner light became blocked out with built in engrams - our return route was strewn with the debris of unscrupulous information designed to capture mans instinctive spiritual loyalty to promote a particular priestly cause - which is why shiva dances on the dead bodies of its devotees in the final threshing process

for this reason we had to break away and get back across the river styx - this was done with the help of our extra-terrestrial brethren in their elusive ufos - now that some of us have made it a single puff of wind can blow away the mist of the illusion - or if you prefer the water of life analogy we can put a powerful hose down blocked sewage systems to flush out the impacted sludge of the ages and get pure water out the other end of the pipe

it is like extracting the baby from the bathwater so to speak - we have ascended through the time-honoured ladder of mysticism and spiritual initiation - our teaching reaches only so far as to indicate the way the soul should go - the vision itself must be the souls own achievement

in public relations we can lift mankind up through the golden triangle between dimensions with the good news of the divine solution - now thanks to instant modern communication systems all men have the free-will choice of living in the house of bondage or in the undivided house of god - this is the basic message of our public relations campaign

old world titans are tightening the screws on the mass but they have lost their former grip - the spinal tap of earths intelligence has proceeded with a silent efficiency - war lord loa tse author of the art of war is feeling very proud of his troops - at 9.5 we understand that public relations is the post-initiate exercise that comes upon the completion of our transition process

metamorphosis is not an easy process - getting untangled from the old world web takes a lot of hard work (until you learn about the 4.6/6.4 circuit) - the deliverance is more than worth it - now the flow of the river of life reverses - we the initiates are coming back down to earth through the eye of the ankh and drawing the critical mass in our wake - we are like a white vortex in the social fabric as opposed to the black vortex that is sucking the life energy out of this planetary system

the egyptians have proven their theology to be 100% accurate - the book of the coming forth by day can be ticked off symbol by symbol concept by concept - one of the most vociferous of the star fleet captains for example - is ptah - this pleiadian cosmonaught who gives his name as ptah provides us with irrefutable evidence of the egyptian cycle of completion

in the egyptian thesis the singular one has many extensions of personality - all of which extol and externalize some aspect of divine will - these aspects of the one are named according to their spiritual function - the egyptian god ptah is the lord of truth - traditionally he is the child of isis who emerged from an egg that came out of the mouth of amun-knepth the true and perfect serpent

a single second in the timeless amounts to many million years in normal space - it is being on the other side of the big bang - the whole world is in the process of a single initiation - the ripe fruit the most spiritually maturated persons of our human specie (also known as heretics) were the first to pass through this harvest gateway - initiation is the mechanism by which the fruit of the tree of life is harvested - it is much the same process as making a vat of apple cider from an apple orchard after cutting away any imperfect spots in each apple

to eliminate any imprecision or doubt the initiate must under go a purification process commonly known as an egyptian initiation which can only be understood by those who undergo it - everything you know goes through a process of expansion and compression until all the pieces fit into a single crystal - when you think you know everything they change the questions - it is like passing through into a mirror world of opposites

to be a public relations officer ones appendage point of reference must have gone beyond the abyss into the world of all possibility - this means going through the needles eye at the centre of the magic golden triangle and up the tube

god has a solution for every global problem great or small - there is a custom-tailored exit-entrance built just for you - there is a solution for your tribe your social network your religious and national family - evolution goes slowly at first - then suddenly it moves like a streak of light just like the pleiadian cosmonaught ptah has said

the ufo phenomena is a lightly disguised charade - like big brothers playing educational games with the younger children - but on a god-response level - which teases the mortal into responding on the higher level of the game

big brother ptah of the pleiades has the kids on an easter egg hunt and every day in every way the fabric is saturated with clues - play cosmic bingo and win - the man said - and so it is - even the frustrating inundation of junk mail with fabulous $$$ prizes and your name on the top of the list seems to be part of the cosmic fun once you understand the game - it is intended to stimulate the creative imagination of the very young - once we hatch out from the cosmic egg and withdraw from identification with the fleshy person - we move back to the appendage point of universal being - now god becomes a sex object - i am a jealous god

the hindu chain of reciprocity in the unfoldment of the lotus flower (the rose in western symbology) of soul consciousness moves through the complete pattern of relationship from master war lord teacher companion husband to its completion in a personal relationship with god the lover

this same theme is repeated in greek philosophy where the virgin psyche falls in love with eros and searches everywhere but she can never find him till she comes to understand that eros-god is everywhere - god the lover looks back at us from the screen of daily consciousness as the holographic writing on the wall

the public relations officer holds the golden key to becoming all things to god - even as he is all things to me - god the sex object is both masculine and feminine depending on your identity preference

the golden key course gives the prospective public relations officer (star fleet commander) the twelve inviolable magnetic pillars on which to build an eternal solomons temple for a pubic relations platform which will endure across infinity - this is the base of inevitable universal law by which we come to know god the absolute as w = p and p = w - power = worship in every sense and nuance of the word worship

all sacred ceremonies are solar and phallic - this course shows exactly how to get a male erection towards isis (gaia mary ishtar shekinah queen of heaven and earth etc) it teaches how to make a complete feminine surrender to ra - for the elohim are all part of a great incestuous family of divine lovers - this is only possible when we overcome the hangup of identifying with blood relationships - when we put kingship before kinship

for the spirit is part aphrodite and part androgynous - with no sense of time matter and other diversary concepts - every moment is bliss

as a wife-partner to ra and a husband-partner to isis we are entwined in the cosmic lovers embrace for evermore - this love grows daily in intensity and rapture - as one with the one our native genius blossoms as never before - we enter a whole neu world of limitless creative opportunity as a co-creator in the neu earth era

the whole world is caught on the horns of a dilemma - knowing god as god the lover god the sex object is the only solution - in freemasonry this is the completed circuit of jah bul on where osiris king of the underworld rises from the dead and brings all the people with him through a fissure in the cosmic egg

ptah is the lord of truth who goes ahead to pave the way for all cosmic lovers to enjoy a direct experience with god the lover ptah exposes the lie and blows away the fog of the illusion - in symbology this corresponds to the perfected snake biting its own tail - this is the closing circuit of cause and effect

light beings can be whatever they want to be and do whatever they choose within the infrastructure of universal law - in choosing to become a public relations officer with the unified forces we enter a whole new realm of influence which will literally save this human civilization

becoming an effective crown agent and public relations officer is a matter of personal identification - as we become filled with light suddenly the little person pops - then the smaller conscious mind explodes into the vast totality of the cosmic vault of the unconscious mind - this is the crowning of the life cycle

from here on in you can shoot up the tube at will - once safely settled in the yin-yang era doors open and close into new adventures at an ever accelerating speed - for the well rounded public relations officer the yellow room follows the blue room and the green room precedes the red room - there is a perfect system and it operates at perfect speed

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