
the print shop

there is one sure way to tell a god - a god does not go back on its word - for the word of god as depicted across the ages of man is the foreshadowing mind beam of events as yet unmaterialized - in the western world the modern history of the word is the history of the print shop - the history of protestantism - in conjunction with the rise of protestantism printing began an explosion of scholarship targeted to end the world as we know it - for the print shop provides limitless viewpoints on many independent views of one universal being - here reveals the 13th goldmine in the sky - the printed word is the portfolio of transformation - the holy water from the wellspring of life is solidified into golden crystal bricks by the conscious impact of the printed word - this is how the fishers of men get to do their thing - this is how angels lead man across great mind spaces of desert to reach the fertile valley on the far side of the abyss - here we emerge as a new specie into a neu earth era

the god-seed of the lotus and the rose flourishes best as it absorbs the nutrient-silt of its own stream of cultural heritage - the knowledge both of cultural good and of cultural evil - for the sincere seeker the footprints of the gods are unbroken across the sands of time

today the explosive seeds of evolution are seen as cryptographs emblems icons as the word of god now neatly tabulated is brought to order - the mystery is mapped out by the study of secret watermarks numeral significance symbols and signs which represent the outflowing of the word from its original wellspring in the garden of eden and its serpentine progress across the ages of man - the modern computer fits each jot and tittle into its proper place for solid state comprehension

vocabulary is like a ground hugging vine which also acts as yeast in the mind-dough of the biomass in which man the bacteria lives - vocabulary branches out from a primary trunk into many branch languages which spread out across the land creating babylon - the babble grows slowly at first

then comes the final rising of the sap of the tree of life - all her living branches pour their vital energy back into earth's dying body to restore the river of life to full virility at the end of time - the compost of genesis I has produced a whole new strain of bacteria - this compost alone is what produces the anti-stupidity nutrient for the draught of evolution - the elixir of the gods which is distilled from the healing herbs which grow only in garden of eden to nourish the neu era

looking back into eden II we can see how the rise and fall of empires of eden I co-incides with the rise and fall of cosmic tides - we can see the tide rushing in with its plankton then the tide peters out - the mayans incas celts aztecs and other ancient civilizations understood this function

all rivers come from the one cosmic sea and to that same cosmic sea all rivers return - the devil is that which tempts a god man to look to the right or to the left to find his/her own cosmic principle to find the solution - being still and looking into ones own cosmic mirror to trace the path of the fingerling-self in its fight upstream to the sea and on into neu genesis

our task was to reduce earth to a single atom - like a little helium balloon on a string - to set up a foreshadowing beam in the form of a print shop capable of reflecting the creative intent of mind onto matter -

the solar beam continued to accelerate for the next thirty years

three distinct decades of pre and post ufo abduction experiences define the elevation of the print shop mind - this represents the spiral staircase which we climbed in order to establish sky-window/show window 666 the functional principle - the print shop is a catalogue of 20th century levitical art from the grass roots perspective

reflect on the proverb of the smart camel - it illustrates how the smart camel digs one deep well right back to origins covered by the sands of time to reach the wellspring of life - whereas the foolish camel digs many small contemporary holes but lacks the tenacity to get to the root or the wellspring of life

the art of each nation is the basic building blocks which will enable each civilization to rebuild its heritage - this is why the ancients went to such lengths to preserve their cultural memory as is engraved on its crystal pyramid in a permanent site on the other side of the abyss

this spotlights the reality of the atlantean landing - there were others in diverse locations - for this was a simultaneous space invasion in which many cosmic units played a vital part - the print shop contains evidence of planned rendezvous with the space people at which time they released the amethene ray of divine love

organized crime is legalized crime - human bondage has been built into the power-tower of the triune titans of political religious and commercial relations across the ages of man

solar logos pre-exists in the world of formative causation - the removal of her veils can be traced back to when scholars began to translate the hieroglyphs which would save humanity at the end of the world cycle - the mysteries of the sky-people and their understanding of universal law is scoured into the rock of ages at all the ancient landing sites of the sky people - in peru great britain mexico egypt canada and many other places - all tell a common story

they represent time-escape capsules - irrefutable foreshadowing information whose storyboard secret is locked in time until the universe unfolds as it should - they represent the return map to our place of origin - the foreshadowing word has now expanded from the middle ages when technical artists began to print sacred and biblical scrolls for mass production

when we watch a movie we see the front end of the show the movement the scenery and the actors - little attention is paid to the work that goes on under the hood of a big production - the author of the script is the invisible god who conceives the plot puts the words in the actors mouths and gives the director storyboard directions - such is the function of solar logos and the heavenly host in terms of the holistic earth production

realise that if man fails to grasp the lessons of history the classroom is repeated endlessly over and over and each time the lesson gets more directly to the point and the consequence of stupidity is more severe - the evolution of crime vice cruelty and war are some examples - all this continues while adam sits in the corner with a dunce cap on his head taking the same punishing grade over and over

we watched as the elohim lifted scenes right out of the movies to play them on our real life screen - this continued until truth and fiction became unstuck and one was no longer a reflection of the other - clearly we were not the only ones who underwent the transmutation process - the popular press seemed focused on complimentary assignments what with elvis lives (which is of course correct from an et viewpoint) - is someone administering gentle and general anaesthetic

the universal drama is the play of the moguls of fatima as the fabric of matter echoes back the e-motion sent out from mind - fatima gave precognition of events not manifest - words in formation are like clay on the potters wheel - dust being formed in the new magnetic field - via the print shop

[ print shop] <- [mIrrOr] -> [crystal chip ]