
planet planning

what limitless wealth - your polished truthful mind is like an evolutionary department store for me to shop in - likewise i am a department store for you - we only take what we need when we need it - we share the same respect for natures vast department store too

the utter failure of the existing political system to run the world is blatantly obvious - phallic overspending - abysmal waste of human potential - crumbling ideologies and cultures - should convince us that there is a better place to spend our time-energy dollar than supporting a decrepit system

thought is real - the flesh is fleeting - the earth play is real - human life is just a fragmentary reel - a strand of hair woven into the great adventure - the original thought gets mellowed by time - till time returns to light with its goblet of golden elixir - juice from the tree of life

this is where we can all drink from the holy grail - the cup of earth-elixir - for all blood is mingled therein - the facet ball of incredible personalities characters inventions mystery intrigue romance art geometry music is so enormous that we can spend forever walking through the cosmic department store which is the holy mind - up here - as down below -the health rules are identical - you are what you eat in body soul and mind - we have no caste system - up here everything is free for the taking

the only expenses involved are those taxes we must pay for inter-action with and materials taken from and necessary for use within the sluggish system - initially we must cater to those weird monetary customs of the lower realms - but this is just till we get fully organized - the only thing worth having in the universe is cosmic consciousness - mind-power is useless until you start to use it

build yourself a domain become an administrator - come to the liberated lands where we are free to be what nature intended - to follow your true will is perfect freedom - it is the place where the self-love and self-actualization intersect

up here we have something for everyone - would you like to be a planet planner - an architect - is it a challenge you want - a new sense of self-worth - a dignified occupation - how would you like to be a steward or stewardess on the mothership - perhaps a star base commander

would you like to take part in running the correction tape through the reels of human history to sort out truth from error - with every field and woodland habitat spic and span - according to the concepts of the little folks that use them - do you dream of being the stage director in the ultimate big earth show

competing for excellence is automatic self-expansion - this is where we get our quiff-pop our quantum wave function - when we are ready to leave and begin the exodus to the promised land - we gather up all the treasures to take with us into the new world of freedom - this world was to be one of great abundance and prosperity

the word is an upward spiral making an ever tightening circuit - history repeats itself - it is just the evolution of the word that makes it seem to change - exodus is underway - the materials needed to build the neu earth era are abundant - the critical mass laden with spiritual and intellectual treasure is on the march

weighty volumes of knowledge are now reduced to microchips - monoliths and megaliths have released the secrets which they have guarded over time - laborious work is replaced by mechanical robots and all the scriptural promises are met - so why delay our exodus in - here-now we came to earth to find our own reflection in the lower mirror world - now we bring it all back with us into the unified field of the global synchromesh - the elohim want gold tried in the fire and will accept no worthless substitute

quality before quantity is the trading value here - built on the pyramid system - transmuting the biomass into magnetic energy - transforming animals into gods takes a lot of patience and loving care

one dusting of divine mother-love and stupidity becomes wisdom - the brand is called amazing grace - recovering the resources from the old world is the traditional departure cycle as we take one last look around we exodus from land of the dead

what a store-house of wealth we were born into - and what riches we take back with us - for thy pleasure were all things created - if its not fun its not worth it

[ planet planning] <- [mIrrOr] -> [mastercraftmanship ]