
perfect projection

kingship before kinship is the perfect projection for personal potency - each sovereign being is effective in the upper middle and lower kingdoms in the new world - each new beginning begins with a big bang or explosion - the point of detonation for our implosion into max II - max II is inviolable and inevitable - its precepts are accessible to all - the central sun or light source is the fixed universal reference point around which all dimensions mythical and physical orbit - this fountain of life scatters droplets of liquid light to nourish all sentinent life forms - it is to this source to which all life essence returns - this life-source is also called the tree of life - it is guarded by all higher life forces in the universe in a hierarchal order of responsibility and relationship

in an attempt to grasp this scale of values we personalize this life principle as masculine - the master of the universe - he assumes multiple facets and faces during the course of our evolving relationship - we make an harmonic convergence with the softest inner-core of this being - god the lover - after we have recognized god the all terrible and all that it implies

during this solitary maiden voyage of the virgin consciousness the lover lures the maiden up the garden path of consciousness with attractive sparkles of divine love - together they dance along the forward courtship path of tantalizing portents - he is like an elusive willow the wisp - in philosophy this is the mythical courtship of psyche and eros

the wedding feast is hidden manna - the sediment of wisdom from the bottom of the bottomless pit and the topmost heights of conscious awareness - no other shares the bitter-sweetness of the wedding cup - then the virgin mind-maiden surrenders her total selfhood to the spirit-groom and emerges from this marraige as the black madonna of total understanding

life is a game of virtual reality and everyone is a player in the game with the master gameplayer - in every gambit we win or loose the game of higher consciousness - there are nine strings of parallel dimensions like the nine ascending stations of an aztec pyramid - the living beating human heart is the only thing with which we have to play lifes game - there are no other stakes - there is no other game - all other loves must go - for it is written i am a jealous god thou shalt have no other love before me - and rightly so

some people are light years ahead of others in terms of consciousness depending on their orbital position around the all-seeing eye of the central sun - particles of psychic energy are in constant motion which leaves room for multi dimensional activity in the same visible space

in contrast to god the beautiful lover there is the opposite pole of cosmic consciousness - the beast - the aztec looked upon the gods as lords of darkness who demanded human sacrifice to further the cause of evolution - metaphorically speaking human skeletons are what forms the coral reef which rises out of the sea of humanity to become the firmament of the upper world - home of a more evolved earth specie - the human child is born helpless - its silent plea is please punch in the right directional codes mama-dada - correct code-punching in infancy is what enables each grown person to make his/her own unique worm hole by which to make the passage from the outer to the inner worlds - it is like a single cosmic egg hatching millions of little worms - during the hatching process we learn to interact with other time continuums

truth is the fulcrum of the changeover - each ascending level of consciousness has a bar-code guardian of honesty at the gate - access to interdimensional travel is based on receiving a stamp of approval from the guardian gods of truth

boarding passes into the upper kingdom are not gained by intellectual effort or by following the natural instincts of the wolf pack hierarchy but by the intelligence of the heart - this is how the neu earth era pyramid is built from the top down by orbiting rings of energy - this is the reverse polarity to the material world where pyramids are built from the bottom up - we were required to play both ends against the middle - the printed word was followed by an electronic highway

mass communication systems speed up biotronic evolution - it enables the sluggish simian thought process to handle an ever increasing flood of transitional data - replulsive and attractive - to pass at ever increasing speeds through the global brain

then in a tachyon flash of light the game is over - we have arrived in new reality - welcome to the real life game of life - pillar 12 is entitled point of detonation - it marks the end of the deliberate diabolical disorientation that has kept adam in bondage since the dawn of civilization - the curse is ended - the invisible becomes visible

a whole series of time bombs which compose a tachyon flash of light causes mind implosion as we stop entertaining the temporal lie and welcome infinite truth - the initial shock makes one recoil in horror immediately prior to the implosion - then abrahadabra

the embryonic man is raised in a luciferin world - this world is foreshadowed by the promise that a saviour from the sky whose kingdom is not of this world has pre-paid the debt of man's salvation and comes on the final day to raise man up out of the house of bondage to his own world

in the meantime man is torn between ego chemistry and a superego coding of work ethics - staying on the construction track and keeping the spirit healthy by avoiding such traps as the lusts of the flesh - greed licentiousness covetousness killing stealing giving false witness and failing to support the mutual benefit system of loving our neighbors as ourselves are deadly follies

across the ages the temptations of the flesh were primarily the privilege of the ruling classes - the common man was taught to avoid questioning seeing hearing or speaking of the strange phenomena of the power that seems to accompany those who subscribe to the darker forces of life - commonly known as evil - in this way the spiritual hymen of the critical mass remained unbroken in the virginal mind

snow white is portrayed as downright naive until a kiss from the prince of light (or is it the prince of darkness) dislodges the piece of poisoned apple - the undigested core of the golden apple of the gods - the wedding feast is the strong meat of god - this is how passive snow white matures into the active black madonna at dawn of a new paradigm

we first recoil in horror as we get to use the iris of the all-seeing eye - men go about their business and their vanities seemingly unaware that the titanic has already hit the iceberg and is sinking fast - the foreshadowing of this event was when the unsinkable ship - the archetypal titanic indicated that people would be dancing and feasting on ships deck quite unaware of imminent danger ahead beneath the sea-surface

the much toted illusion that forbidden fruit is sweeter vanishes in seeing - speaking of - hearing and tasting the bitter-bitter fruit of evil - this stems from the rebellion - not on earth but in heaven - this is the fathers way of helping his adolescent human children grow up - give a child a fish and you feed him for a day - teach a child to fish and you feed him for always is the slogan - phase II a simple transference - a mind shift from paradigm one to paradigm three - yin is the virgin universe perfect and pure - the eternal observer of life - in awakening from her dreamsleep yin moves to become yang the actor - fin becomes fang so to speak - the fang action is equal to the concentrated knowledge of the fins capacity for observation across matter energy sapce and time - for this reason it is useful to go through hell and back in a phenomena known as an egyptian initiation

in this way a whole earth army of light emerges at the poleshift - each balanced yin-yang - fin-fang unit is a mental extension of the singular one - for each is a completed thought in one divine mind - its where the black and white angels wingtips meet over the top of the ark of the covenant

genesis one was designed to feed the monster gods of materialization - man feeds his gods by his worship-power - once we stop feeding them the monster gods stop growing - these are the beasts at the foot of the throne now tearing the fabric of the old world - shattered as i was shattered of my father - then it is finished - divine love the opposite pole of the destroyer makes us whole again as the particle meets its antiparticle in mutual annihilation to end the timewarp

this process is megatron - to go to bat with the global negitron - the negator of life love and happiness for all - common people richly deserve a happy ending and this is it - the ankh is the icon of the marriage of dimensions

power=worship is a physics equation not a philosophical nicety - which is why the original creator made the first commandment - thou shalt have no other gods before me - where we kill all other gods in a grand explosion of spiritual energy

begin by asking - where are our real centers of worship - what is the true focus of our energetic devotion - who are our other gods and what kind of world do they teach us to believe in - the $money$ god is never satisfied with its tribute - the porno god can never get enough of mans attention - high technology is aimed at producing fission rather than fusion - especially in the very latest video killing-games - these are the synagogue of satan

no wonder humanity is in such a mess - for an analysis of other gods adds up unmistakably to a conglomerate of appolyon (abaddon in the hebrew) - ashmode - baphomet - anti-christ - the archetypal anti-particle of life

all legends myths and traditions merge into a singular story of this war between good and evil - white and black light - this represents the noblest sentiments vs the most crude - romance vs rambo - love vs hate - life vs sin and death

the enchanted forest of the underworld is unchanged across the aeons - this is where the young knights come to sharpen their divinity skills - whoever you are whatever your skills age or occupation you will find that you have been designed for a unique and special role in the final battle - fate is kind - she brings to those who love the sweet fulfilment of their secret longings - this is true

the star of bethlehem is the crystal cap on the universal pyramid - it represents the culmination of the combined project of heaven and earth - wrought by maji and men - we now have spiral interdimensional elevators moving steady between worlds - the mothership crew is now in a position to handle emigrants from the cave and move them up into their rightful place in the kingdom of heaven

now we detonate of the time bomb of atlantis

each knight and lady can locate his/her cosmic position by drawing a six pointed star composed of two equilateral triangles - mark the points of the descending triangle with the male attributes of deity = power majesty wisdom

mark the three points of the ascending triangle with the feminine attributes of deity = love justice mercy - center your mindspace in this mandala of this central cosmic eye - the orb of thoth - and revolve this eye around the starry heavens in every direction - the iris connection with almighty god

now pass through the centre of this iris or needles eye or ankh into the throne room of the king of kings - place your shewbread on the altar to receive your crown of life - the cosmic hierarchy sits on the right hand of osiris on a first come first served system - the elders sit on the left hand

however - justice which is the majestic protocol of heaven - decrees that no elder-god of the kingdom may take his seat in the throne room until his earth bride occupies the right hand side of balance

[ the establishment] <- [mIrrOr] -> [perfect projection ]