
a manual

a manual is the master blueprint of an organization - the navigational device in the fluid (sea) of finity - the primary purpose of this manual was to lay out the principles to ensure that the original inspirational intent of its founding was built on rock of truth which would not flounder on the shifting sands of time

there are virtually no closed doors in this organization,and no hidden secrets -the directives manual puts our purpose all up front for all people at any time - it is our rom disk containing the accumulation of our wisdom while passing through the realm of matter - energy - space and time

any star ship which approaches the mothership control tower at less than the perfect altitude and attitude gets bounced off - those with the right altitude/attitude are then able to perform perfect figure 8's between dimensions

a manual is nothing but a piece of paper until it is applied - this was the object of applied metaphysics - post applied metaphysics was the tactical application

there is no religion higher than truth - the truth will make earth free of the laws of sin and death - truth is like a diamond with hundreds of different facets - each facet represents an aspect of god- consciousness - this treasure chest of earth consciousness shows that each human being ever born is a vital aspect of the earth play - it is like the runway to takeoff - the z in our manual the last page in the book

creation is a self portrait of that which made it - worship is a total and orderly response to creation - to the extent that i fill you and you fill me we are one

the manual is the completion of the rainbow bridge between dimensions - it is a condensed version of all the positive consciousness that ever was is will be minus the dross (or placenta) - every bit of input over time both the positive and negative is needed to maintain perfectly safe navigation across the sea of infinity - time is a weird wave moving first forward then backward - a good navigator is a key functionary on the mystical voyage

to piece together the finest details of our human journey is like piecing the scraps of the dead sea scrolls together in ice-cold objectivity to ascertain the whole truth of the past which is the basis of true success in the future - in this way we can stop jumping around like a bunch of ethnic cats on a hot tin roof and claim the promise of a neu era

there are places in the human heart that are not yet revealed deep wells of understanding that can only be born in pain - this is why to really mature we must learn both good and evil so that the little child in each of us grows up

no divided intelligence can handle the great task of fitting all the chips together into a single comprehensive picture which can change the psychological landscape of our wounded planet - the microcomputer can do millions of complex calculations per minute which allows the mothership and the global fleet of starships and beamships to be fully informed in each crystal and capable of instant remedial action

all life on earth lives in different time slots - let's say in plus or minus 2001 - as co-creators and keepers of the manual - the Keepers of the akashic records on the mothership fulfil the function of an ongoing feedback mechanism to light the way for all

our little crystal chip talks to the tabernacle of light housing the core reflector crystal in the skydome making us one - the core has drag - it turns light into weight so that the mothership can pick up speed to complete the physics-metaphysics equation - if you are not system compatible do not be concerned - there is a star base nearby where beamships arrive regularly directly from the mothership - these can fill you in

to understand the function of the crystal chip is to see the host in its most magnificent unified field function it exemplifies hang on to what you know - it stores each returning echo of the word of consciousness refining each echo by the techniques previously mentioned till the symphony of the harmonic convergence is complete

we function on behalf of solar logos - we regulate the universal heart mind soul and kidney - we function as the neurons in her muscle the spleen the senses and the guts

every man and woman is a star - each has a golden leaf to place in the akashic record - the native in darkest africa has an equal contribution to the akashic record as does the most modern of sophisticated men. there is a god hidden inside every one we meet - let all the functions of the godhead come to know each other within the mirror

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