the present path humanity is taking is facing the wrong way round -
billions are being spent to open the gateway of the unknown to find what
is out there in space as a tribute to the conquering human
intelligence of the few - worthy charities beg for financial crumbs to
alleviate desperate human suffering for many - surely it is more logical
to explore the full potential of a local planet earth and put money
and energy into elevating human dignity and human rights down here in
the surface-world of planet earth for all
loving ones neighbour as oneself is what separates the true human being
balanced god-men from the yang-boys and the goddesses from the girls -
mental and spiritual maturity sit together on the mountain top - loving
your neighbour as yourself is the mature perspective - to know and love
another human being is the root of all knowledge - this cannot happen
before each party has attained spiritual maturity - it is the basic human
right to share this love-experience with another - in it we come to
understand that all other goals are merely compensation for true love -
passion leads to compassion and to respect for the human rights of all
from the cosmic lovers viewpoint the babble-on of
adolescent left brain tyrants who are incapable of love seems not only
stupid but downright dangerous - love is the cornerstone of the basic
human rights of men and nations to live in peace prosperity and in
harmonious accordance with the original intent
the war of yang-worlds has been going on ever since adam left the
garden of eden to seek his fortune in the promised land - generations of
men have followed the path of this foreshadowing - generations of woman
have suffered and died to manifest this universal love event which
carries the spirit beyond all temporal carnal fascinations with the
illusion - love is the real thing
here we make our commitment to support all human rights - there
is a narrow zone an isotope line that is the balance point between the
bedrock intelligence of the matriarchal earth-gods and the
evolutionary thrust of the patriarchal sky gods - the marriage of the
white king and the black queen in the tarot explains this principle - it
is depicted in the yin-yang symbol
in 1993 it was
time for a new human rights manifesto to define this safety path between
the yin-yang elements - it will be
fascinating to help this yin-yang event issuing into manifestation
hey there you gods - we humans have rights too - it
is the inherent right of every commoner to petition - this is one of the
basic fundamentals of the democracy in which we live - once we have
defined the source of abomination and desolation and spoken up in full
earth-sky human potency we can then turn our searchlight beam towards
the two-way street of heaven on earth
hey there adam and eve - we the animals and elemental intelligence of
micronesia have rights too - we want freedom of worship and adoration of
all creation - we did as much as any of you to build this civilization -
justice is for all creation
thus in seeking human rights we must get back to basics - lovers love all
neighbours as themselves as the solar cross of redemption and solutions
comes into view - it is the inherent right for every earth-sky god or
goddess to petition on behalf of micronesia and the animals plants
and water and soil substances on which they build our earthly realm
it is easy to see how god the lover and his earth bride
have set up the preconscious path for both destruction and solution - the
two paths are crystal clear to those with eyes to see - the crumbling
decadence of yesterday holds no solutions - the glitz of lucifer lord of
formation led spiritual man up the garden path to foolish scales of
value - we must end this grip
it is said that when we enter the temples of the highest mysteries we
find a god who considers the universe somewhat of a joke - possibly
up there beyond the clouds where the eternal sun is shining the sons
of darkness and the sons of light are chuckling as they cancel each
other out
as we work for human rights we can share their cause for
merriment - the quandary of global leadership caught in the slump between
ages and systems has not yet figured that there is only one way out of
our dilemma and that is instant evolution
in every discipline and profession known to man the gods have created a
power vacuum for the common man to slip through into the neu realm - in
practical terms we can start by legitimate petitioning for the full
implementation of the infrastructure
a clean white stone suitable for a new beginning - from this
broadbased bedrock sensibility we can build a new and equitable society -
from this cornerstone the harmonious convergence of cultures and
nations will form an upward spiral of balanced evolutionary concepts
which take into consideration the values of both the earth gods
(micronesia) and the sky gods (technology) united
the legacy of ancient wisdom is ours to harvest - lasting structures are
bottom heavy not top heavy as explained by all the pyramidal
structures around the world - the deep affection of the pharaoh kings and
queens of egypt and their families is the clue to modern
revitalization and restoration
love is the answer - it is the cornerstone which the builders have
forgotten - civilizations are built in the shape of a pyramid - there need
be no more top-heavy bureaucracy or concealment of the facts of life's
reality - by running a correction tape through all the things we have learned en
route the energy to establish human rights
can then flow freely on balanced and united male-female energies
no garbage in no garbage out will be the subject of ongoing correction
tape checks to ensure that bull-shit never again gets out of hand
the sky gods have taken care of technical (yang) evolution -
kitchemanitou says we shouldnt be too hard on them - after all the sun
no longer smites us by day nor the moon by night - our immediate task is
to revitalize this planetary system - because human responsibilities go
along with human love - we must get back the sense of human dignity
spiritual love comes to make mankind a better deal - the cosmic lovers
sacrificed their blissful unity to teach the animal brain the mysteries
of divine love - from here on in as we learn to abide by the solar
cross life will be beautiful and simplistic for everyone and
nothing is before love - love nature as you love your self
and we are back home in the
unified field
the vampire the beast-baphomet has done its work well - it will rejoice
to have the stake of the solar cross driven into his heart so that he
can be transformed to emerge as the prince of peace in the final
transformation scene
your neighbour is the living bacteria in the soil and everything that
springs from it
we have moved back to reality from the world of fiction and illusion - if we
guard the sacred world of the elemental beings - people healing and human rights
will take care of itself
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