heraldry is the handmaiden of history - it proclaims the spiritual power
of the tribe - it speaks of values - of moral and ethical bar-codes
which compose the metallic infrastructure of a nation or a tribe of
peoples - it exemplifies the heraldic mind of a sphere of energy manned
by a group of people united in a common will to excellence - it reflects
back upon a culture its tribal supra-ordinate factor - the
icon is always at war with all lesser values of scale and inferior
scales of value than those etched in its emblematic principles - it
represents the pinnacle of aspiration of its peoples - it defines the
isotope line of wrongdoing and rightdoing and upholds the ongoing
purification principle within its spiritual orbit - it sets the dynamic
tension of the cultural fabric across time and space - it clarifies the
first attention
heraldry defines the parameters of a peoples - it defeats the ravages of
time - lest the people fall back into perdition - lest ego shrink the
souls of them that bear the heraldry and break the tribal banner down
into small impotent units - lest the sands of time should dim the eyes of
its people and clog their ears with dust and deaden the tribal
spiritual mind
heraldry is the outward visible sign of an inward invisible covenant
made to uplift the common soul - it represents the remembrance of a
covenant made between the holy spirit and a group of people -
heraldry is a statement of faith - it is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of the living god - but heraldry calls into remembrance the former
days in which we were illuminated yet endured a great flight of
the high
priest of a tribe of people is the lance that separates the truth from
the lie - the cosmic circumciser - the tester and the testator - knowing that
it was written that he came to take away the first that he may establish
the second state of mind
prominent among the sacred relics of king tuts tomb was a ceremonial
death-mirror - there is one such in every living tomb - the secret of
retrieving ones heraldry is to look in that mirror when it is polished
to perfection and directly facing the central sun - the slightest ripple
if the mirror reflection quavers distorts the vision
the blazing and flashing of our heraldic mirror is multifaceted like
a ballroom facet ball turning in the centre of a great crystal
cathedral - it reflects the many faces of a singular one - yet there is
one window marked persona on which the secret name of god is written -
this secret entry leads directly through the heart of the central sun -
it is like a great shaft of light between dimensions with a slight grin
on its flimsy saying - come
this is molecular lovemaking at its zenith - we are back in the
atlantean room of life - remembering with great joy and gladness that
stupidity is the only unforgivable sin - here heat becomes lite as
fission becomes fusion - mind and body are welded by a lite so intense
that in its death throes ego witnesses the rebirth of the spiritual
mind - one tachyon - fruit fly - flash of light is all it takes
the persona window is the one that gets us through to heaven in a burst
of brilliance - it is the crowning joy of having completed ones
commission - this is how the last of the sludge comes out of our feet of
clay - it is where the dead mans blood is washed away - it is where we
get the kids out of the drivers seat and get the paperwork completed -
for the work is done
heraldry reverses the awful devolution of the human psyche - soul - it
testifies to the promise of rebirth in a higher
dimension for the faithful who are true to the tribal icon - man can only
achieve his destiny by seeing the fathers testament - his golden
glory-balls in infinite action across the fields of matter energy
space and time
the tearing apart of a tribe at the time of testing is the purification
process which uncovers the whited sepulchre - the snake-pit at the
bottom of the tribal cess-pool - it is also the crushing together of the
elixir of a tribe on a higher level of understanding and
the task of revitalizing tribal heraldry is undertaken by melchizedek
high priest of god most high using the lamb of god as a living
sacrifice as is the custom - it is melchizedek of whom it is written - he
hath taken away the first that he may establish the second - for by one
offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified
now the golden apple of the gods is truly reflected in the golden iris
of our tribal cosmic eye - we can see through the synchromesh of gleaming
armour - set in jewels of relationship with a facepiece to conceal the
human features of the knight as is depicted in the book of thoth
our tribal heraldry proclaims the tribe to be on his
majestys service across infinity - there are certain values which are
enthroned in the hearts of kings - all these we were taught - principles
of human dignity - of joyous unity - of fair play and equity - of
discipline and deliberation on reality
heraldry proclaims who and what i am and the scale of values expected of
my personal family - heraldry represents the tribal fang so to speak -
the tooth in tarot - or absolute vinegar stroke of the sword of tribal
heraldry provides the flag-crowned lance of the king-knight-
priest-warrior who rides into the field of battle with an immaculate
shield - for each knows he carries his tribal honour within his lance - it
sets the plateau of perfection from which the plains of infinity
stretch out before the heraldic mind
we establish an island in the sky towards which the
noblest of men aspire at the vinegar stroke of spiritual excellence -
heraldry holds the means of revitalization rejuvenation and the
resurrection of the tribal eld at this the coming forth by day in
egyptian theocracy
the common tribal lance - the sword excalibar - the spear of destiny -
corresponds the big tribal phallus at full erection as it presents the
holy grail to our lady isis-gaia
though individual members of a tribe may die on the carnal battlefield
their stories remain locked into the archives of their tribal heraldry -
it contains the record and the standard of their industry - the weight of
their whomp they have made on the fabric of the decadent lower kingdom
god is a cellular being - macrocosmic man perfected as an individual
can then join in a tribal cell cluster to identify and amplify a common
intent - heraldry leads to the maximization of the qualities inherent in
the original creative intent
here we understand that heraldry is like the cherry on the
tribal cup-cake - perfection at the head promotes perfection in the ranks
of those that follow in our march across the fields of time
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