
health and wealth

a tidal wave of health and wealth will encompass planet earth once man ends the war with nature - abundant prosperity is within the grasp of every global citizen - health and wealth includes physical mental emotional and spiritual health - total security and lively prosperity - this can be achieved as soon as true man sets his mind to it - it begins when we admit that nature has won the war over the dark forces of anti-nature - we either learn this lesson or die as the human species

suppressive counteractive medicine is being practised by 97% of all the worlds physicians - the loving spirit of healing has been bartered for the accumulation of dead money - botany is the living heart of pharmacy - the commercialized pharmacy has moved humanity away from the mysterious gentle healing powers of nature - in each case she has fought back with every molecule at her command to produce new and resistant strains of virus and bacteria - her diversity and power of adaptation is limitless

although matter looks solid scientists assure us that we live in a cellular world - natural man - as all myth insists - has the supernatural powers of one made in the image of god - this gigantic cellular superbeing has a built in healing system - man is an integral part of this one vast intelligence made up of millions of highly intelligent integrated microparts each with a functional mission - this cellular world operates quite independently of the conscious mind of man

man is held in bondage by the beliefs of doctors who have long since ceased to be healing practioners and rely more on antibiotics - nature is protesting loudly and clearly - and science is beginning to get the drift

botany is one of the things that we used to learn in the first few grades in school - it is almost a lost science - instead human intellect has condensed the natural healing and soothing herbs of nature into strong artificial substances - many of which are abusive to the natural healing system - if you read the blue pages at the front of any pharmaceutical directory published for doctors there is a long list of anti bio drugs - like anti-biotics anti-histamine ant-acids

it is the erronious beliefs of medical practitioners that are creating the rising costs of health care - botany is the living heart of pharmacy - we need to change the underlying situation that has been moving us away from preventative medicine - at one time botany was a premed necessity - but not now

self healing is the rule not the exception - and in the preamble to genesis in the garden - god says i have given you every herb of the field for food - we now destroy these precious herbs by the trillion with anti life chemicals

human ego as manifested by commercial drug companies have distorted the powers of natures botanical marvels - educational establishments have gone along with this anti-nature - anti-light - trend which is pill-pushing mankind to the brink of roboticism

self healing is the rule - not the exception - wild animals heal themselves intuitively - dark global forces are pushing man to the brink of self destuction with the toxic nature of anti-nature - which begins in an arrogant education system - please understand we are generalizing not pinpointing individuals as this trend has been going on for hundreds of years

moving from the gross physical body to ones of ever greater degrees of refinement begins with self-reflection in the mirror of mind - the gross body is without direction save that of nature - her secret storehouse holds limitless supplies of hidden manna

the toxic energy which is killing this planet is being pumped out by intellectuals who know nothing of the cause and effect of their actions - the refined body that the goddess is offering us has a definite positive destiny - nature plus high technology - how is that for a fire and ice bonding

nature wants health - spirit wants wealth - they go hand in hand

true wealth is a life with purpose - common prosperity on an ever-increasing scale by refinement of every cell in the cellular planetary mind - to become submerged into the crystal pool of divine mind raises the consciousness - which means death to the grosser parts of the brain which is educated into service for the anti light

every drop of precious blood that is shed on this planet puts a dollar in somebodies pocket - every sick person makes drug companies rich - every fancy packaging that glitters around a product to capture the imagination deceives the human purchaser - the true human is not so easily fooled

this sudden wealth - the rising of the second sun of full reflective consciousness reverses our perception of the time-space continuum - we can examine each fragment of earths historic record to record the growing force of separation from nature in the star logs of history - we can now blend in all the best of what we want to keep and eliminate toxic-thought which creates dis-ease - as earth bleeds so bleeds her people - as she is raped so are her people - as earth is healed so are her people

the holistic health of the whole mega-body of humankind depends on the health of all her integrated microparts including man - for we are composed of microparts of her macrocosmic consciousness

ego gets rich by keeping secrets - keeping knowledge in separate containers is divisive - all knowledge is one and cannot be fragmented without serious consequences - this is the purpose of the mirror

all forms of stress are toxic energy - hollywood for example has been pumping out toxic energy - it is like pumping raw sewage into the pristine pool of the human mind - the result is extended confusion and leadership with no direction - life without direction dissipates in entropy

to maximize the efficiency of each cell whether micro or macro - each needs the freedom to operate according to its instinctual need - this built-in cellular intelligence is known to animals and indigenous peoples - plants can communicate with the rocks and minerals and have certain areas in which they have more abundant life than the same plant which is grown in deficient soil

minds cannot reach their maximum potential in deficient soil - from the dawn of human history leaders have tried to magnetize human cells into clusters to pull their wagons and chariots to victory - this worked by making the mass identify with a separative cause - the effect is hellish - there is no benefit for the working cell or for the common cluster - save reflection in the leaders glory

the actual blood cells of the controllers or titans as we call them in philosophy - are men on the battlefields across time - these get minimal payment and the reward of believing they give their lives to the lofty cause of the controllers propaganda - that this vampirism still persists is ludicrous

the 20th century saw the art of black magic at its zenith - the biomass of people were taught to believe that killing is good and that by destroying what their leaders claim is evil they will derive benefits in heaven - there is only one possible way to solve this anti-health and wealth dilemma - that is by objective analysis carried through to synthesis - i e solve et coagula which is represented by the equation +1 + -1 = 0

personal health and wealth begins with self-realization - the integrated being needs no paternal pat on the head - no special deodorant or shaving for an id boost - just the knowledge that he/she is on track - this above all - to thine own self be true - thou cannot then be false to any man - new direction and renewed life is the same thing

inner direction allows a person to travel effortlessly between dimensions - there is an electromagnetic doorman at the gate so that this cannot be used for the wrong reason

the past infrastructure of government is clearly unworkable - we are presently introducing a completely new premise - a clean white stone - for the timing is ripe - this system can be tried out on any home computer - as has been done for many years now

the transfer simulation is being tested democratically by telegenetic broadcast - being set into place at a specific time - then off we go into a neu global orbit intended to bring health and wealth for all

health wealth peace and prosperity for all requires taking a backward journey into the primordial slime from which mankind originated and retracing the steps of evolution - in light of the gaia proposition - earth and all life living on her is a single organism

we are here to open up the sky-window and let the daylight in on black magic and to disperse the illusion of inequality - this lie spread by the planetary elite has served the devil well - bringing wealth to the few at the cost of the lives of others - the notion that some people are superior or inferior to others is an illusion - god created all men and women equal

as we open wide the floodgates of the planetary lagoon to drain out the cesspool and reveal the slime at the bottom of the bottomless pit - the global sickness resulting from these fumes is obvious to the true human - partiality is the abomination of a god - it leads to abomination and desolation

greed jealousy self-adulation hunger for money sex and power have created a serious growth disorder among earths people - the whole of civilization is out of balance - we are here to heal that division and dispel the illusion

there is another exit to this planteray system - babylon is fallen - the kingdom of heaven on earth here-now has good news for you - health and wealth go hand in hand in the neu earth era - millennium is come

this is designed to wake up the people to the real-ization that the old world has slipped away - the titans way of life is over - the effervescence of the old soap opera of the dominance by the few is no longer valid - the fizz has gone out of the electron - the atlanteans who live in dual dimensions are here to stay

famine first hits the weakest members of our human family then works its way up to the top - mental and physical disability is increasing at an alarming rate - floods fires and hurricanes ravish the land

living above or below the poverty line takes on a new meaning - tangible and intangible values are weighed in the balance - relationship is like a fine liqueur and inner bliss has more value than extensive real estate

the old system collapsed because it was top heavy - with the titans taking the cream off the top of the milk there is less and less nourishment left for the people - money is like blood in the commercial capillary system - but the will of the people is the great power source - by diverting the former flow of dead mans blood into the coffers of the titans we introduce the neu earth era and win the revolution

timing is built into the mirror - health and wealth based on the law of parsimony - waste not want not - replaces galloping consumption - $$ markets are wavering to promote parsimony which is the key to restoration - parsimony increases as the consumer rejects high priced garbage - uses unpackaged local products with diligence - supports the ecology with low impact living - less waste less driving less demand

by cutting excess consumption we start a chain reaction to lead the world back to normality - we also go back to examining the substance and nutritional value of an item rather than filling up with taste-tempting junk food that is harming our physical vitality and keeping the drug companies rich

exactly the same rules apply to what we feed our spirits and our souls - like the physical body the spiritual body needs exercise to keep it fit and in top athletic shape - books dont do it - walk your talk is the only way to go to health and wealth

[ lodemaster] <- [mIrrOr] -> [health and wealth ]