the basic attributes by which human consciousness is defined is contrast -
to this end the evolutionary command is to know good and evil and become
as one of us - these two basic elements are called yin and yang - they
can only exist together - tai chi symbol - universal bookkeeping is an
infinitely precise and meticulous process - not one quark is ever left
out of its place - only the introduction of 5th generation computers can
give mankind some idea of the scope of the mirror which governs
ages worlds and individuals alike - sin is the original god of evil
in that the goddess must be deposed during the forward yang thrust of
technical evolution
we live in a mostly invisible universe composed of black and white
pixels - that rests at all times in perfect yin-yang equilibrium - any
external slack between the reality and the illusion is taken up by the
law of karma which balances the books - the inviolable
mathematical logic of natures process of quarks and leptons is clear
for all to see - at last we have reached the balance of tai chi
starwars is real - enormous computer banks and roving satellites supply
the visual technology for the tai chi exhibit as high technology
starbursts the reality of life into all our little worlds for local
viewing at the touch of a button
the obstruction of hills and valleys time and space is gone - the earth
is no longer round - it is flat - the flat earth is laid out in black and
white squares egocentric and theocentric vortices - the contrast grows
sharper with each passing hour - anyone can now see the flat earth and
the cause and effect of the global imbalance by simply turning on tv - in
the light of the rising sun all shades of misty grey have disappeared
along with the fond illusion-words of one man being better than
another - extremes of luxury and poverty alternate like rapidly moving
black and white microdots hitting the savage brain - they move faster
faster compelling all good men to urgent and corrective action to
implement the divine solution
tai chi is 20/20 vision restored to men in a black and white yin yang
world - the living skeletons of them foreigners contrasting with the
sleek confidence of us jesus men still bent on saving souls is plain
for everyone to see
the crazy luxury-licence syndrome alternates with images of torture and
destruction - great private palaces arise while the age-old jewels of
architect fall into dust - yet the rivers of commerce are still pushing
for pre-eminence while the river of life is clearly grinding to a halt
this invites everyone on earth to play the game of tai chi in
their own time and space - we invite you to help pinpoint the ideological
quirks of our times
the universal eye floodlights the global situation - advertisements to
come on a luxury cruise and forget all your stress alternate with
images of the line up at food banks - the most ardent disciples of rama
and allah bash it out in india quite unaware that the dance of shiva
is in progress by which all the gods are dancing on the dead bodies of
their devotees
these contrasting facts of reality constitute the writing on the cave
wall of the lower realms - i bring sight to the blind - i give hearing
to the deaf - i heal the sick soul - i awaken the dead
for directly ahead on our course is the stargate of mu the motherland -
those of us who have passed through the gate having shed our clay
moulds during integrative abrasion have discovered how to take off the
labels and find the common denominator of both mind and matter and the
answer lies in the density of our truth and beauty quarks
time tunnels are kept open from age to age by very special beings - these
are of the quark family - quarks represent the concentrated intelligence
which springs directly from nature herself - these are the microdots of
supreme intelligence which orbit in ones specific electromagnetic aura -
these are the jewels that we take with us into realms yet to be - this
is the wealth of gold tried in the fire - this is the measure of our
atomic weight in the neu world
earth is a ship of relations - any offence against a part of nature is an
offence against humanity past humanity present and humanities future -
for it robs those of the past of their rightful joy in seeing the earth
play all work out right as their labours intended - it robs those of the
future of the right to lifetimes yet to be - it robs those present of joy
in the now of happy global living
tai chi is a question of balance - nature has provided abundance for
all each region in its own very special way each in a way that can be
developed without affecting the intrinsic value of the cultural heritage
of the region
the predatory man seeks to alter this perfect balance to tip the scales
in his personal favour in arrogant defiance of gaias infinite
intelligence - this is in violation of the great secret of life tai chi
being the need for all men to know of
cosmic law - thou shalt love god and neighbour as self
quarks are the universal exchange currency - the more freely you give of
your love to life with no strings attached the more quarks you
accumulate - so the illiterate farmer in his third-world field who helps
his neighbour is richer by far in the neu world than the rich
man in the first world
the goal of taoist internal alchemy is to return to source - which has a
number of levels of meaning - on one level it means returning to the
original body characterized by good health and unlimited energy which
tends to get lost as we grow and develop in the outer world - it seeks to
reverse the process of degeneration - working inside the body to improve
the circulation of chi
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