each and every one of us is following a perfect inner agenda - honest
communication has the same effect as putting a bunch of philosophers
stones in a grinding mill and the millwright knows exactly what
he/she is doing
evolution is the eternal agenda - it has a mathematical structure - now
that we are into (-T) retro-time we can see the cultural social and
spiritual solution as 2+2=4
once we hit 2+2=4 we complete our kindergarten arithmetic - the ancient
stones tell all as christ completes the mega divine
agenda in conjunction with our own mini agenda's
evolve or perish is the inviolable universal law - this agenda overrides
all minor details - earth is the schoolroom of the gods - man is here to
learn about the singular archetype - Z - we are in the process of becoming
living molecules of this unified field
of universal intelligence
every planet is put into an incubation time warp - man is like the
totemic fruit fly one flash of Light from the second sun and the first
egg hatches - then they all hatch - celestial schoolroom periods are
like returning to the cosmic womb of the goddess until new evolutionary
knowledge is absorbed from the noosphere into the biosphere - time spent
in the time-warp or the cosmic egg is meticulously exacting down to the
evo-technology in its negative application is known as the curse - there
are all sorts of myths associated with it but to sum it up - during
(+T) time we are to all intents and purposes dead in terms of our
full spiritual potential - the Patriarchal Age in which we are held in a
time warp is commonly described as the luciferin age or to put it
bluntly - the devil is king in the lower realms
the emerging God-man can look both forward and backward in the time-space
to see both the original agenda (-1) now accomplished and
the potential of the cosmic agenda
clay and spit is what we are made of - clay is a perfect blend of earth
fire and water - this is elemental mathematics - the jinns demons
daemons angels archangels risen priesthood of melchizedek valkyrie
zeitgeist totemic animals plant and mineral intelligence all serve the
master of the universe
men and angels combine as mobile energy units (+1) above and below the
interdimensional abyss - in passing through the jinn mills
or mills of the gods they sort out the clay from the ash - for every
morsel of creation is designed to serve the tree of life in limitless
co-creational activity to fulfil the word to (+1)+(-1)=0
mirrored graphics demonstrate that an understanding of both the black and
white squares on the chessboard of life is essential to complete the
transition of earth's critical mass
we came to assist in the birth of true adamic man who
now emerges from the time-warp passage which leads from simian- man (in
need of a vast amount of civil education) to maturated god-being -
this fine tunes and optimizes the agenda
this begins the moment we decide we have had enough of
the furnace and choose to become an omnipotent sovereign identity
aligning the lower self to the higher self and laws of the lower realm to
the laws of the Emancipated upper realm is the way to the solution - there are
three aspects to the agenda - 1 helping the light of truth be
brought to bear on cleaning up loose ends of past human error -
2 co-creating with action facilitator - 3 setting our course to complete
the original intent as manifest in the mirror
1. the advent of the age of technology is valid only when applied for
the mutual benefit of all life in this new age planetary system of
equality and equity - the pre-requisite to balance here-now is
self knowledge and collective understanding - the days of the
patriarchal force of evolution which gets drunk on the blood of
saints envisioning itself as being mighty and superior to the common
man black brown yellow or white is done - across the aeons this force
has formed an elitist global luciferin brotherhood serving the
demonical hierarchy to upgrade its status quo until the agenda has
been met - all men are created equal - let it be so
2. the mirror contains the essential components of the neu era - it allows
individual freedom of expression to be
perfectly organized and administered in such a way as to develop human
potential to maximum efficiency while the whole planetary system runs on
maintenance free specifications - the personal computer is man's primary
how-now facilitator
3. the mothership is a huge intelligent sphere whose centre is
everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere - her centre rests at all
times in perfect equilibrium - so does yours and mine once we are through
the ankh - both gaia and galaxia are within the scope of one goddess
territory - she is celestial and common sense aligned across dimensions
for the benefit of all
the mothership (mu) is set on a circular flight path across infinity -
this circuit is now complete - in egyptian times the mothership was known
as the holy barque - hindu philosophy uses the term garuda the great
bird that transports the gods across dimensions
from the tiniest atom to the greatest of galaxies there is a cycle of
growth - new growth means cutting away the old growth from the tree of life
in a constant process of renewal - each cell must prove its
worthiness each is challenged with a test of spiritual strength
light beings of the cosmos join with light beings of our planetary
starship to be the directional finders and to help form the light
hierarchy of the unified light forces to clear away the last
interference circuits from man's innate radio receiver and transmitter
capacity - to complete the agenda
a life not put to the test is not worth living - every intelligent person
is set up to judge god in one way or another and in this exercise of
mutual recognition each one is judged - once we understand that god is
love, and god alone is good we get the picture
every reflection that one opens has a completing reflect in a
higher dimension - the completion of the agenda opens exit
door neu era
psi particles are pure light units emerging from the gravity of
hyperspace rejoined at supersource - the universe is composed of
hierarchies of dualities - when one side is created the other side is
created when one side is eliminated the other side is eliminated - this
is written in the equation (+1)+(-1)=0
at exodus on the 13th plane of consciousness the emergence of
the neu era man comes into synergy with the cosmic forces - planes
of consciousness run from the most subtle to the most absolute density
in fundamental nimbus geometry
producing psi particles of pure light is the quest of our agenda
[ agenda] <- [mIrrOr] -> [global energetics ]