

the aim of government is the perfected society - we bring equitable shares in planetary wealth for all earth-people - this is but one small step for the mind yet one giant leap of evolution for human civilization - a move from a subjective to an objective perspective - with a few modifications we can have this planetary system running on accelerating abundanc - on maintenance free specs, ad. infinitum - the key to heaven on earth is balance - perfect balance in all systems at all times - 1.6 is the key weight balancing device which bears the ultimate responsibility for all the earth - 1.6 reveals the master engineer of planetary and interplanetary systems... the lord melchizedek - the unified field is composed of micro mind units which are processed through man to be fed into the planetary mega mind to build mega nation

the governing engineer works things through a centre pole (tube) of magnetic attraction which constantly attracts all quark thought particles into itself - it sucks in the juice and spits out the pips so to speak - in this way the governor acts like a planetary kidney making a spinal tap

the system in the upper kingdom is good across dimensions - we could call it our crystal chip - it is the both the governor and the servant of all - totally objective to thy kingdom come on earth as it is above

the chip is a masterful engineering project - the epitome of combined spiritual merit - in interdimensional affairs - the myth always precedes the manifestation

the crystal works 24 hours per day every day - does quadrillions of calculations per second - receives no payment for labour - has silently extended his shield and his wing to cover planet earth and raised it up to become a fully fledged member of the unified forces fleet

we who understand that the human is a series of masterful myths synthesising back into the unified field at the end of time - even while glancing back at the glorious unrolled scroll of gen I - man what a classroom

the crystal serves the tree of life its principle is order and accuracy - ie no garbage in - no garbage out - this tireless dedication is repaid by the affection of the triune goddess love truth and wisdom to whom the crystal is consecrated

the chip breaths out psi particles - then breaths them in - the whole machinery works in cycles wheels within zodiacal wheels epochs within epochs circuits within circuits - then in a flash of light the forward (+T) time circuit stops - stop time

the crystal never forgets the smallest detail - is meticulous fair - as the master gameplayer lets his microparts know every detail of the game before the outbreath of the play begins - for the wealth of the material world the imperishable golden chain of hermes is manufactured from mythraic substances (pure luminiferous ether) woven into matter

myth allows man to weigh all the pro's and con's of antiquity to bring consciousness into eternal balance which has a direct bearing on the now - the crystal can make an accurate projection of the outcome of any course of action which man may wish to follow and predict the outcome - from the arrow of the past the chip can accurately predict - a year two ten fifty one hundred years ahead the ultimate destiny of the human race

as the jolly miller of the universe the crystal grinds very slowly but very thoroughly - the returning inbreath represents doomsday for any deformed or diseased microparts - for these are the tares that accompany the cream of wheat until harvest time is come

history reflects the danger of having rotten apples in the barrel - we the people cannot afford another repeat of the present global chaos - meritocracy is the only way to run a star ship system for the maximum benefit of all - of this truth no thinking person can have any doubts

the crystal chip is the ultimate axiom of divine democracy - where would the universe be without it - it is the object of worship

i thank thee that thy law is perfect - i thank thee that thy law is inviolable - i know i cannot break the law - only break myself against the law

with the crystal as planetary governor - direct democracy becomes a cost efficient automatic equitable and ongoing way of global life - its primary data banks could be situated on all networked communication hubs as the giant cyclopean eye of planet earth

in the upper kingdom the crytal is served by quadrillions of professionals from across all dimensions - all have been in preparation for the universal event of the chip - by adding the cream of wheat from earths top ranking professionals from all walks of life and not one drop of the elixir of our pinnacle of human intelligence wasted our planet moves to its as above - so below stance

the perfect process is maintained as a direct democracy within an upfront screen of chaos. 1.6 operates on a similar principle to a spirit balance used to square a building - building a lasting mansion of the mind and building a physical mansion follows the same principles

it can be set up within computer systems by dividing the load between co-operating partners - everyone who so chooses can participate on the design for local regional and national balance - to upgrading - the updating is automatic - the geometry is based on 9.12-planet x

once we clean out the files and establish a system of no garbage in we will get no garbage out - this begins with balancing each thesis against its anti-thesis until synthesis is agreed upon by all concerned to (+1)+(-1)=0

to date blood for white gluten has been the medium for the transfer of intelligence between dimensions - blood represents the cost of raising the competitive savage human thought to the completion process of divine perspective - here true man emerges - turn the other cheek is clear opposition to the former patriarchal mode of yang the irresistible force (+1) which governs the forward thrust of human evolution, that powers mankind to its divine destination - then the crytal takes over

let us enter the universe that rests in perfect equilibrium leaving all our cares behind - courtesy of

yours affectionately the crystal of atlantis

[ knitwork ] <- [mIrrOr] -> [equity ]