natures goal with the human race is to create a new biological specie -
one which can act think and move at the speed of light - the life cycle
of a mutant specie is slow at first - for the mills of the gods move
slowly as they grind the mirror reflecctions of mind into matter - but at
the end of the cycle - at cosmic egg hatching time - the cycle of the
liquid word of god - being pumped into the system - speeds up to job
done - death is the completion of one life cycle and immediate projection
into the next life cycle - minus
the snakeskin that confines the life energy to the mortal world of
matter - individuals corporations nations all go through the same
cycle and are hopefully resurrected into the next life cycle at a
higher speed of energy than the one he/she/they left - from the
material world to the mind-world
the universal bank manager is calling in his chips - this new cycle of
life involves the whole planetary system - it is the completion of the
life cycle of the electron - tout fini - job done - one fruit fly flash
will do it
to this end the cycle of physical life is completed when we make an
intelligent assessment of what has been
learned in the classroom of lower kingdom - to this end the human
mentor jc told his followers - my kingdom is not of this world - he
consistently advised his disciples to do things that - in view of the
laws of the old testament such as an eye for an eye a tooth for a
tooth - made this prince of peace seem like a whimp in a warring world
towards the completion of her life cycle biotron (gaia) becomes like
the red queen as explained in the alice in wonderland - the word or verb
of growing consciousness explodes into
info-motion pouring her master secrets into the earth system at
the speed of light - grow - burst - cosmic egg spread wings and fly - or
die of the violent e-motions of insanity biotron advises - faster
faster little feet we passed the goal ten minutes ago
now we move from the grip of inertia to vibrant life - every puzzle has a
missing piece an open circuit - it takes a leap of faith to close the
enduring point circuit - but it is easy and completely logical when all
known facts across all time-space are taken into consideration - the
mystical (metaphysical) and scientific laws now blend into one
physical life on earth is but a moment in infinity - a classroom of the
gods - a test of spiritual integrity an intelligence test - christ the
enlightened one came to explain the higher laws of cosmic logic of
balance preceded by the act of balancing known as vengeance - this
concept of the weaker nuclear force eventually overcoming the stronger
force is common to both science and religion
nature is soft and flexible when we are living in the front parlour of
life - but there is a dark side of nature - the side that we encounter
after death - in hinduism this is taught as the goddess kali who lives
off the blood of human beings - in this way the unconscious mind of the
virgin universe expands into the conscious minds of men - for the cycle
ends in the kingdom of the elementals the world of highly intelligent
bacteria who were here millions of years before the advent of man and
will no doubt be doing their same building-thing when man is gone
the great sage loa tse says the same thing - the softest thing in the
universe will overcome the hardest
at the end of the cycle of life we see in her death gaias body eaten
by maggot-man the parasite on the tree of life - in death the final
victory of life - the flight of eagles birds both of flesh and
steel unite as mineral and animal worlds synthesised to bring absolute
triumph to our lady of victory
exploring mother-father god are what its all about - sun-moon are very
interesting parents and totally in sync when it comes to raising
planet-kids - what kind of a cosmic warrior did you decide to be - my
brother my friend - my cosmic lover - for insofar as you have negated the
least of these life forms - you have negated me
for i am one - i am all in all and i am that i am
i am eros god of love - courting the human psyche - separating the wheat
from the chaff - calling to my virgin bride to come away from the animal
kingdom into the kingdom of heaven - my personal name is jahl - i am
called jahl by my family and friends who know my secret name among men
with the help of mirror masters
from all dimensions we laid down a system for sorting out the
for-real from the imitation - the roof brain chatterers clutter up
the sonic pulses - they are without atomic weight or substance
nature works in terms of cycles - wheels within wheels cycling and
recycling until her exacting specifications for the perfection of the
specie is met - by establishing an enduring contact with the cycle of
life we look back and see the queen in action
there are wheels within wheels of harmonic convergence - civil unity
natural unity and spiritual unity are one idea - physicists put words on
natural activity in an effort to understand and communicate a
description of the natural processes - mans understanding of this
process is limited in that he can only see the front end of the cycle
known as life and fails to see the completion of each circuit which is
known as death
beware of appropriation rather than appreciation - the first is deadly
the other is abundant life - for this is the neu earth era a world where
beauty tames the beast
each master must perfect its own instrument by the balanced abrasion
particles of ones twin soul until they dance together as one on the
head of a pin - this is the perfect balance between god the absolute and
god the supreme - the ultimate stretch of dynamic tension between these
two extremes is the razors edge - the isotope line of the cosmic lovers
reunited soul
this is where the separative factor of mortality ends and the
integrated god-being arrives - where the house of god and the ark of the
covenant are reunited as one
[ the point] <- [mIrrOr] -> [enduring contact ]