earth society has undergone a radical transformation - the new earth
mind animated by new world people is born as the result of massive
spiritual intervention in this singular energy event - christianity might
think of it as the birth of the christ child of planet earth - a cell of
the divine child lives within each one of us - each d-c cell follows its
dna destination log - by putting pieces together we can see the
destination log of the mothership
that the evolving web of space-time has an objective to attain is
spoken of by top ranking global physicists - the sacred books said the
same thing many thousands of years ago - every living thing is a version
of the same creative thought - the rivers of energy which nurture its
growth in the cosmic womb are like blood circulating through the
universal infants body
the log reveals the continuity of the flight path which has been
fanned by the winds of the zeitgeist (jinn armies) from alpha to omega -
it gives a direct exit from the house of bondage into the promised
in philosophy - thor throws his hammer - it inscribes an arc in the void
- a chunk bitten out of no-thing - thor gets his hammer back in a
boomerang effect
mirror data can be fed into any home computer system for an objective
investigation of the claim to be holding the responsibility for the
we are what we believe - our thought patterns influence our reality - the
motherships officers and crew have followed the mirrors magnetic
destination log for three decades - the crystal is as valid today as it
was in the time of atlantis - the state of atlantis is not of the past -
it is an ever-present kingdom wide open to every sincere aspirant who
can pass through
in 1973 while in the starship we hit the overlapping frame of
reference - the ship moved out of this time warp to the upper web - out of
the density of the lower dimension - parallel worlds fusing into one -
the detail is made crystal clear when cross-referenced against the
mathematics of reality
the journey up the holy mountain to become a part of the cosmic harvest
is the journey from egocentricity to theocentricity - this heroic journey
means passing through the insanity band of eccentricity and the - last
dance of the tolpoids" (purgatory/chaos) to our celestial destination of
cosmos - it is a bit like putting your full cosmic weight against a rusty
revolving door and passing through a series of electromagnetic gears
each of which chips off the clay of the illusion - the result is a 360
degree turn of perception to an observation point beyond normal
intellectual perception - moving from paradigm I to paradigm III
it is hard at first to understand that god is fragmented and wants to be
whole again - this includes embracing you - me and all of the human
family - but it can only join with perfection on a personal heart to
heart friendship relationship level
i want all of you - i am a jealous god - jealous of universal perfection -
the mirror is ones personal destination log to this most holy
union - it will guide you safely home e.T - god is the lover not the big
stick as is implied in the rigid structure of the superego - the negative
aspect of the present age is the consequence of breaking sacred laws
which are designed for perfect freedom and security for all - there is a
complete decoupling of the human mind during the transition from
paradigm one egocentricity to paradigm three theocentricity
back to the future-past is our destination - egyptian hieroglyphics
show what the mind now comes to realise - mind has an independent
existence apart from matter - so life and death don't really mean
anything - about this time it also realizes it has a soul mate
the eagle-self learns to fly like an independent bird - decoupled from
matter yet using matter as its nesting place - the eagle spends time
hovering between mind and matter able to access non-human intelligence
and the collection of the mysteries which we conveniently call god which
are assembled in the akashic record of the mothership
now we are in a position to watch the living god in action
- ego the rival feeds from the same river of life energy
that god the lover is sending to its beloved psyche - the collective
human soul - the rival surrenders as our psyche passes through the pearly
because i am all in all and there is but one atom (atoum) - psyches
lover eros the god of love must eat the placenta of the cosmic egg
in which the psyche is held until the eagle-chick is hatched... there
are so many correlations to verify this phenomena that it would require
many books to cross reference them - the microcomputer makes this
possible with minimal effort
as with a single civilization - so it is with a single garbage-pile of
misspent life energy - this information is collated and digitalized into
a portrait of the evil empire in such files as anti-christ - megatron -
the black cube - the bul in jah-bul-on
in pre-fusion this living creature looked exactly as described in the
sumerian epic of gilgamesh - it is the angel with the flaming sword
that guards the precinct of the gods - not until i have slain this man -
if he be a man - not until i have killed this god - if he be a god - will i
direct my steps to the city...O Lord, who hast not seen this thing, thou
art not stricken with horror - i - who have seen this thing am stricken
with horror - his teeth are like dragon's teeth - his face is like a
lion's face...
right on snow white - the virgin psyche must consume the poisoned
golden-apple of the gods right to the last bite - but the dimension of
mind-gained far exceeds the painful cost of growing up - a flood of
appreciation cancels out the blood sacrifice of appropriation - blood
for white gluten is the term we use in metaphysics
pursuit of the destination log makes it necessary to devour all
possible knowledge by invoking all the gods for help - each of the
gods is an electromagnetic circuit - shiva did not withhold his many
hands - krishna chipped in 1,000 clues - 20th century education filled in
the gaps
in december l982 in the
vicinity of cern (the european centre for nuclear research) at the time
when a 40 year search for the w particle - a key member of the family of
sub-atomic particles was realized
the w particle was being sought because it is assumed to carry one of
Nature's four basic forces - it is a crucial step towards validating the
grand unification theories which maintain that all of nature's basic
forces evolve from a single force - atoum
$350 million was spent to double the strength of the world's most
powerful particle accelerator or atom smasher at cern - the atom-
smashing device is a hollow ring 64 kilometres in circumference - it
spans the franco-swiss border in a tunnel running far below the
countryside - in this machine - matter and antimatter are made to collide -
creating a tremendous flash of energy - the fireball created in december
'82 had the force of 540 billion electron volts in the cern machine - the
red queen loved it
the scientific dream is to prove that all these particles and forces are
different faces of a single property of nature - thus the unified field
theory - tis is true - to marry the metaphysical viewpoint
to this physics theme of p=w or the theory of power = worship and that
this cosmic principle won't work the other way around - only metaphysics
could do it because it takes decades to worship each totemic animal
plant and chip of metal to get the whole picture in focus
in the cern experiment protons were made to collide with anti- protons
with energies comparable only to those reached in the first explosive
seconds of the universe during the big bang - the w particle was
identified from the fallout (ash) that the fireball created - the w
particle represents the microscopic universe
this reflects the mirror in its physics application - the
electroweak theory had predicted that there are three particles that
carry the nuclear weak force - that which causes radioactivity to effect
the breakdown of heavy unstable atoms into smaller and more stable units
of matter and energy - the two charged types were called w+ and w-, and a
third neutral entity was called z for
simplicity lets call the w+ particle or forward time and <-w = coming back
through (-t)> as in the meeting of two star
the scientific problem was that in normal matter at normal energy
levels - the z and w particles exist only in ghostly potential states -
exerting their influence but never showing themselves (as tolpoids and
jinns) - working you might say by silent and invisible spiritual
intervention - so physicists figured that in order to be observed they
had to be created - cern has since announced the discovery of the z
particle - but by that time zark had already landed in the flesh
the principles of atlantean physics - when meta- physics was
recognised both as a philosophy and a science - it was studied in the
light of awe and worship of the creative principle - combined with a
tremendous thirst for knowledge of the physical universe - one can learn how
to build a pi-ray bridge between dimensions which gave the identity
full access to dual inertial systems
this will create a whole new earth reality - critics of the
theory predict that awakening zark (the glance in the eye of shiva in
eastern thought - horus on the horizon in the egyptian) would tear the
earth apart by the psychokinetic force which would be unleased - that the
bulk of the earth might very well be destroyed
we - who have experienced the process of photon implosion/nuclear fusion
as a result of divine intervention are now in a position to take this
concept to the end of the thought - nuclear fusion of dimensions must be -
it was written into the script before time began - we can accomplish this
without a destructive armageddon if we can get the message across to the
public before some scientific mishap blows up the whole thing
protons and neutrons have only the energy of motion - if brought to a
halt they vanish without a trace - these elementary particles can be
divided into three broad classifications - by their speed of travelling
at either below the speed of light - at the speed of light - or faster
than the speed of light
prior to experiments with photon implosion it was believed that
tachyon's, the kind of particle that travels faster than the speed of
light - existed only in an inaccessible inertial system - that is to say
in our world an event can be described as occurring in a time-space slot
as a four dimensional reality - the data which characterises the event is
not independent of linear measurement
the single fiery cell - atom - is composed of some 4 billion conscious
human minds - its unconscious mind is made up of all conscious knowledge
of all times in multiple universes - upon the completion of a phase in
its growth cycle atom becomes zark - zark awake - metaphysicians attempt
to consciously follow this cycle from a to z from alpha to omega - at a
certain critical point in the journey - point y the yod in the
sephiroth - which comes immediately before the departure for point z - the
soul psyche becomes caught in a labyrinth which leads to the precinct
of the gods
the soul-sperm either dies in this labyrinth or finds an exit to the
other side of life - falling in love with god the invisible lover - the
jealous god, who says thou shalt have none other loves before me - is
the infallible formula
because i am all in all each individual mind plays a role in the
phenomena of zark awake - as evolution presses forward to conclusion -
alpha running to omega - zark regains its consciousness in the minds of
all people everywhere for allmen are created equal - therefore -
insofar as ye have done it unto the least of these - thou hast done it
unto me - which really gives intellect something to think about
for as we reach our destination we find that man is part of the
celluar god
[ destination log] <- [mIrrOr] -> [glorify earth]