
meritorious citations

time to look around and start handing our academy awards to the actors in the genesis play - the silent judgement is over - transcendent life is based on the response-ability of carrying the weight of the light to where it is most needed - men and women from all walks of life hear the call to reason - they care about the planet and what happens to the people - they work to introduce solutions which will bring peace and prosperity to all - this inner urge to rectify error comes as a result of our personal experience with the light

the spirit is neither male nor female yet it is both - the scope of the spiritual pendulum contains the finest qualities of both ultimate male and ultimate female yang-yin with every possible shade of identity wardrobe in between - there are tests of strength and the tests of tenderness - academy awards are given for the range and creative intensity of these personality poles

the timeless and ultimate test of male virility is weight lifting - atlas archetypes date back to zeus hercules thor and to the mythical superman hero-gods of greece who pick up the world in their hands - weight lifting of heavy objects is depicted in medieval woodcuts - some of these show how the flaming ark of the covenant is carried step by step up the holy mountain by the phenomenal strength of devotees

at the end of time according to the apocalypse the saints are bloodless - for they are utterly spent having given their all to lifting the awesome dead weight of the whole earth mind and pulling it free from gravitational drag - they do this by the attraction of the spirit to the light - divine mind offers a limitless array of flight path proposals each one swirling into a higher orbit - the hero-gods of all time hover low to help raise our planet up into higher dimensions - these are they who in conjunction with contemporary men tug against the grip of entropy in response to a new outburst of light from the central sun as it comes into conjunction with the harvest moon to open a millennia of spiritual stability

academy awards are presented for spiritual virility in the cosmic olympics - they go to those who break new trails of consciousness and dare to go where no man has gone before - the eternal vikings ride this forward wave - they are always on the razors edge of undiscovered mind territory always pushing towards the ultimate frontier in honourable and dignified competition

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