
chain reaction

like putting an icecube into a kettle turning water into steam then reforming the ice cube on the other side of the abyss - the shocking realization is that the unified field began as a blob of primordial jell - like a female egg - in the cosmic womb - hit with a single light flash of genesis - the god-womb - she - the holy grail is then pumped up with the outbreath of life - yet material life is still no more than a balloon bursting within a wider scalar of limitless possibilities - she is known to the egyptians as nuit

nuit is the collective universal unconscious - bursting with black light energy - the unconscious longing and desire for all things pleasurable - now gone to the end of the thought - she is the woman satisfied

her male counterpart is hadit - or daytime consciousness - yin and yang - yang dances to the throb of her desire - and the game of life and love begins - to this end - once our intellectual and moral structure is firmly established we must leave the familiar world and journey to the inner sea

ancient persian poets wrote reams on this subject - there are a series of gates we must pass through and we are caught in one schoolroom of the gods until we graduate to the next higher dimension

which leaves the old world plutocrats like humpty dumpty sitting on the interdimensional wall - the egg will hatch into a cosmic chick in perfect digital timing - knowing how precise the universe is in all its dealings with life earth will not dissolve back into primordial slime as its seperative forms the styx of antiquated thought collapse - for key fragments have developed the magnetic glue-on - divine love - which only a trip through the sea of binah realm of the black madonna can accomplish - for the agony and the ecstacy is one

our electro magnetic self is dipped into the sea of carbon life

irritability to magnetic light - or response to the energy dance - of the dancing masters

champagne bubbles are bursting in the brewmasters hall - the inbreath has begun - everyone is being judged simultaneously - like a cosmic wine tasting spree in valhalla - the individual atom of the primary actor gets pumped up - vanity gas works every time on the human biological system - then the balloon is pricked - all the actor is left holding is the experience - in the now-wide-open peep hole of the gods

every man is a dual entity born of flesh and spirit earth and sky - these fight for supremacy until they reach the middle pillar which is the absolute computer - the tree of life valid across all dimensions at all space times until +1 + -1 =0

[ chain reaction] <- [mIrrOr] -> [planet X ]