celestial intelligence service which guards mankind from
extinction by his own stupidity has a meticulous geometric method of
communication which anyone can learn - it might be called shooting arrows
in the air - the more messages you can retrieve from the celestial wire
service the smoother the action between the higher and lower selves
there is an ongoing sight and sound show bouncing around on the airwaves
24 hours a day - piercing the outer darkness - each opens a window of
logic or a window of chaos - we can choose which messages in the air to
receive by our focus of attention - this is how we make the paradigm
shift from position (1) to position (3) and action station
a paradigm is an observation point - at paradigm one the normal decent
citizen can make no clearcut distinction between good and evil - all that
glitters is attractive in the luciferin phase of developing the world -
man is bent on programmed tort and retort to the bread machine of
survival sensation and sex - the common man is held in a state of
prolonged adolescence by hidden forces that influence his thought and
actions by a diet of mental pablum that caters to the illusion rather
than the reality of life
at paradigm two a definite change has occurred - something primal is
stirring - the need to pierce the veil that shrouds the larger view grows
urgent - one can feel the rising of the intention - the true will flexes
its muscles - desire to see things from a different perspective begins to
shake the infrastructure of paradigm (1)
at paradigm three the impression is of an invisible artist putting the
final touches on an incredible self portrait - a few deft strokes here
enhance the clarity of the observation point moving it towards a higher
realm where instinct senses it belongs - the risen intention learns to
sway to the hum of the planets which have the effect of the fakirs
flute on an uncoiling snake - you can see
the light at the end of the tunnel - for the light of god has become the
centering motivating force - this is high noon on your cosmic clock -
putrification causes swamp gas to start rising from the bottomless pit -
little light balls explode - they come like warning arrows from the dying
fabric of the nearly extinct civilization - they come faster and faster
until the planet is inundated with a tidal wave of light
at this time in human history nature is exploding all her kryptonique
of secrets on the surface screen - this is the biotronic urging faster
faster little feet - now is the time for concerted and comprehensive
action - a time to follow the silent inner voice of our direct link-up
with source
in understanding both good and evil we become equipped to be cosmic
warriors - our bow is filled with black and white arrows and each has an
equal place when viewed from action station
in the battle between expertise and innovation though expertise may win
the first few battles - the innovative win the war - in the tarot this is
described as the son rising to kill the father - god the father is the
patriarchal archetype - i am that i am - best known as jehovah - the
patriarch is the absolutely essential negative element upon which the
ultimately positive completion of the lower kingdom of heaven on earth must
grow - into the yin yang era of positive-negative - patriarchal-matriarchal
the archer stands alert and tall before taking aim at the bulls eye -
targets can be local regional national international - open your eyes
your ears your throat chakra - work smarter not harder - have no loose
ends or uncompleted thoughts rattling around your head - just straight
spiritual juice throbbing through your system - every one is born with
the capacity to become a superbeing
at action station you sense it is time to come out from behind the
veil of social acceptance and assume the full weight of your spiritual
responsibilities - you hold a key piece - by law i cannot ask of another
that which i have first not done myself
black and white arrows must be balanced - back arrows act like
wrecking balls against a crumbling structure - the disintegration of the
old system is just as important as the integration of the neu - seeds of
ideas are nothing until nurtured - they blow like dandelion seeds in the
summer breeze - it is the planting tending weeding polishing and
fruition of an idea that counts - the archer does not go off half cocked
so to speak - credibility is a key aspect of arrows in the air
a favourite truism which fits the immediate situation is the story of
the chinese house - this house is built with one central beam which when
pulled makes the whole house collapse - but the whole house can be
rebuilt in any location with identical specifications - such as on the
other side of the abyss
arrows are best directed at the movers - persons who are in positions
that carry weight in the physical dimension - this is where we complete
the universal equation - turn light into weight into speed - everyone
wants what we have to offer - our role is to do this with the maximum
graciousness - more like healing acupuncture in just the right spot in
the hurting earth body than arrows in the less polished sense of the
this planet is like a huge brain with its neurons disconnected - the
person who stands at the summit of their action station is like a
neurosurgeon - working with loving care healing earths holistic wounded
brain - cutting out the cancer with black light laser beams - restoring
with light beams
mercury - is the arrow - the arrow is in fact the simplest and purest
glyph - mercury - being the symbol of directed will
the value of organization is clear - know all about the
bevy of high tek specialists within your local orbit ie the extensive
computer network of communication systems
power is information in the hands of the people
[ service of truth] <- [mIrrOr] -> [arrows ]