if you enjoy - the thought - there are many people all over the world
the majority of them are rational and realize that the television and
commercial media they are subjected to without verification is just that
- they are respect-able - dont speak out of turn nor see that speaking
to anyone about whether or not they have opinions on being subjected has
relevance - there would obviously be no reference or coverage of this in
the media - as individuals - none of the rational group are pre-occupied
enough to have outward signs of confusion which renders a type of
invisibility furthering the illusion that none of them xist - fun stuff
- a type of bio-organic cloaking achieved through a thought perspective
and discipline towards accepting - also this subjective thing is such a
mere fraction of the rational xistance that it would be irresponsible to
squander time on illusory notions when one can be providing creative
solution while xperiencing the infinity of possibility with a cache of
eternal components to make the sojourn possible .... if you enjoy - then
relax .... we're going to go out on a limb here and affirm that this is
a real condition
......now even further - if you dont enjoy - the thought - it really
doesnt matter - if your reading and have an opinion - you've started -
if you dont believe its coming or here and you get there its one thing -
if your sure its not here and your probably not getting there and you
get there its another thing - and if you are positive its not here and
you will never get there and you dont - its nothing - an open palette is
the nothing which is neither here or there so you would be rite bak
where you started forming an opinion about being nowhere or getting
somewhere ... the apparent choice of many that seem to believe they are
all .... confusion + invisibility = divisibility a primary attribute of
matter .... when one is ALL IN ALL
[hotype] <- [IOS] ->