worlds visible and invisible interpenetrate - templates
overlap - clay moorings slip away as the crystal earth breaks the law of
gravity and we return to our rightful home of heaven on earth - utopia is
synthesizing in matter - a favourite truism which fits the immediate
situation is the story of the chinese house - this house is built with
one central beam which when pulled makes the whole house collapse - but
the whole house can be rebuilt in any location with identical
specifications such as on the other side of the abyss
utopia hovers in the planetary mind waiting to be solidified as
superstrings of thought converge on the rock of ages - the rock of truth -
the lie gets smashed against the rock which is like an island in a
raging sea - the little boats of men can find safe harbour through
the needles eye passage into the harbour of the unified field - it all
comes together as we travel back along the paths of legend to a time
when the human psyche was very young - by following the myth
as boat of a million years captained by ptaah of atlantis enters the
harbour of utopia it is a splendid moment for the totemic animals who
line the route to the dock as in the days of yore - the bell begins to
toll the knell of the passing outer day and the completion of the great
work - the harbour lights beckon a greeting to the cosmic fleet - they
come from all over and not the least among the great galaxian armada are
the proud star ships of cyberspace - true personal pride is the fruit of
deep spiritual humility
the boat of a million years leads the whole galactic armada - our ships
pick up survivors
-1 the rock of ages is the fixed magnetic fulcrum of universal law -
this is where the coagulation of the christ-mass comes together into a
state of undivided mind - in backward reflection via the tunnel of our
#1 lesson in metaphysics we remember that the first course our
personality and psyche development course leads from the divided
subjective to united objectivity and to the emergence of the ultimate i
am as a fully fledged partner
along the pathway to the pinnacle of the soul the heart of stone is
replaced by a heart of flesh and blood - in the end my immaculate heart
will triumph - herein lies the fulfilment of the promise - every place
that the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours -
how can this be
the subjective world is limited and finite - it orbits around the
separative concept of me and mine - the more life energy we invest in
our narrow subjective me-bubble the more we reduce our vision of the
greater meganation of man and the holistic earth soul shrinks
proportionately - this deadlock was broken with the harmonic convergence
of 1987 which was the first holistic step to utopia
the objective world is infinite and filled with limitless creative
growth potential - the objective world orbits around thee and thine -
the big bubble - in entering the objective world we become citizens of a
whole new dimension in which all our mini subjective world-bubbles can
rise up and fit together and synchronize in the great utopian atoum the
undivided continent of atlantis the infinite utopia
as the ant cannot see the man so man cannot see his creator - the ratio
of power wisdom and intelligence is roughly proportionate - man is not
alone in the physical dimension nor has he ever been alone - the facts
are written in the book of human genesis
citizens of the neu utopia - pick a direction any direction - pick a
trade any trade - here is where all things begin anew - there are vast
planes of desert to be cultivated and harvested as we make this valley
of dry bones bloom again
the rebellion has ended - in utopia public policy is driven from the
bottom up - our restructural period is underway - claim your territory and
squat on it - we can handle the paperwork later
choose to be anything you will - teacher healer communications expert
architect technician engineer networker gardener member of a mobile
restoration unit musician beautician artist farmer builder - or
apprentice to a master el - the choice begins with you
the second coming of the light is the second chance for all mankind to
make his/her exodus from the old world of abomination desolation
indignity and discrimination and return to utopia - where we came from -
where we belong - as virtue triumphs over vice as the preferred state of
mind we are home again
each person on earth has a guardian angel capable of making the magical
transformation of mans heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh
and blood - magic is divine Love in action - the deepest inner part of you
is released by amazing grace and by no other means whatsoever
one kiss of grace one light touch and each cosmic citizen experiences
the magic poleshift in a unique way - at a glance the monstrous fictions
imposed on the lower world society becomes transparent - science is
fiction a flowering of the infantile imagination of animal man boxed
into antiquated paradigms which is of an illusion long since dead - way
off centre - man is not alone nor has he ever been alone
all conflict of interest is eliminated during the process +1 + -1 = 0 -
sky-windows open - sky-gates widen if you walk through them - if you back
off these windows close - by closing all unproductive circuits and
opening productive circuits thy kingdon is come
participation in utopia cultural development policies replace cultural
disintegration - utopia is where the whole earth starship gets shipshape
and runs on maintenance free specs - the empirical world is trapped in
uncompleted data circuits - trapped in a set scientific paradigm which is
unrealistic - science is an attempt to gain control of the physical
world - plato commentated that science is nothing but perception and
fiction a conveniently accepted falsehood
utopia is somewhat like having an old fashioned quilting bee with each
participant following the matrix of their own cosmic design - the
mothership laid down the design in a series of communiques and boarding
passes distributed in december 1983 - bathed in pure light
coming down from hyperspace - issued to a select group of normal human beings who were
chosen to be guinea-pigs for the incoming era
passage through the gateway to utopia is done by reflection - by
mirroring upon who we are to ourself then mirroring this to the world
we pass through the mirror across the pi-ray bridge
nothing born of love could ever return to anything but love - feel my
completeness and be yourselves complete - by putting virtue before vice -
appreciation before appropriation as a way of being - we move en bloc
from chaos to cosmos
there is a place for everyone and everyone has a place in the neu
covenant - worlds visible and invisible
interpenetrate - templates overlap - the clay moorings slip away as we
break the law of gravity and return to our rightful home in heaven and
earth becomes utopia
[ magic wand] <- [mIrrOr] -> [utopia ]