
quarkfields align

the cosmic sisterhood which serves the goddess is directly involved in a unified earth - the matriarch is the compassionate counterpart of the passionate male divinity - pairs of opposites - sorrow and joy - darkness and light - hot and cold - hate and love - constitute consciousness - polar opposites finally come together after aeons of separation to complete this circuit to marry as pure intelligence in one womans mind - after cosmic sun day when the life cycle of the electron is exhausted - comes cosmic moon day and the unifying force of quantum consciousness - the buck stops right here - as the smoke of her burning dies away and our moon screen becomes crystal clear

truth demands that we explore all the facets of the omnipotent one in order to merge the patriarchal and matriarchal principles - woman is not free to become herself until the glamour phase is done - this can involve a journey through the classical bluebeards castle archetype the forbidden territory of gods ominous male personality

in this machiavellian space of god the twilight zone with bats flitting across our moon screen we learn the secret of the macabre masters jealousy - for before this dark archetype all other particles are feminine and must be brought into line

much of the bible has strange macabre implications which cast dark shadows over our collective unconscious - jehovah like all the other pagan gods demanded blood sacrifice - the book opens with brother killing brother when god expresses a preference for meat rather than agricultural offerings - women were bound to be obedient and to reproduce the race in pain and sorrow - few dare to go to the end of this schizophrenic thought process in bluebeards castle to uncover the origins of the curse

jehovah required the human sacrifice of abrams son isaac after abram sent his firstborn son and his mother to die in the wilderness - what god of love philosophy is this - the theme is actually based on the logistics of a strong central government - zark is melodramatic by necessity until its offspring grow up - when the inner eye lights up the outer world becomes transparent - i am awake

our journey into matter energy space and time is validated by the need for growing consciousness in all directions - the universe needs a strong central government of united nations - without the functioning of a powerful magnetic core our civilization would get lost in its centrifugal fling

once one crystal bell starts ringing - they all ring - a perfect crystal ball - it has a wide range of fully activated senses - scores of images can register at the same time making total sense - total cosmic consciousness is centred at the fulcrum of this cosmic eye - it can see all things simultaneously over all time as yin - the eternal observer of creative intent

maximum II balance comes as the neu earth woman is born anew in fusion with all her feminine counterparts - womans unified moon screen reflects our planetary ailment onto the conscious mind - this is the night of isis the living oversoul of cosmos - the all-seeing canopy of the night sky - as the daughters of isis awake night - nuit - gains a thousand eyes

by feeling the heart beat of our lady and synchronizing our pulse with the great mother of all - we can feel the child of earth stirring in her womb - we represent her physical sensory receptors

woman is the open aqueduct that flows from the wellspring of our ladys perfect mind to feed the parched earth with water from heaven - the storyboard of one woman born into a patriarchal society - the storyboard of all women born of eve and adam - the gentle sex temporarily broken for mind-extension - then eternally rejoined as units of the royal matriarchal dynasty which is now coming to completion

knowing how things are for the global woman in the 20th century one can imagine what womans life has been like across the patriarchal aeons - designed as a reproduction factory for androids - future paths were completely foreshadowed and overshadowed by the edicts of alien gods who formed mankind from chemical compositions found in the dust particles of earth and a bit of spit - adamic man is the captive of the gods

yesterdays earth was a luciferin planet - meaning under construction - its not just the judaic edicts - all of the patriarchal civilizations teach the same thing - even the mystical philosophies like i ching - these vastly superior beings whose invisible hand governed this planetary process used android-man to pull the chariots of the gods under pre-conditioned circumstances that were both diabolical and disgusting

to keep humanoids coming off the ass-embly line the elohim use powerful chemical stimulants - female servants keep the workers happy until the job of building civilization is done - keeping men busily competing like nationalistic megalomaniacs is the shortest path to the conquest of a developing planet

in return for strenuous labour man is led up the intellectual garden path by the crook and the flail - our alien captors were bent on getting the real estate developed from point a to point z as their star charters read - being lured or being prodded was mans own choice - the methodology strategy and tactics involved in managing a luciferin civilization

until now earth has been a luciferin planet meaning it was a star ship construction - the development work is run on a merciless routine of 90% slave labour by the common man - the elder races are the alchemists who work to turn base metal - the ore-dust of earth - into gold - as the tut exhibition and other esoteric egyptian relics explain when being paraded on public relations tours

all the answers are right before us but due to diabolical preconditioning this planet is like a huge brain with its neurons disconnected - woman holds the key to the planetary solution - a true woman is an extension of divine loves most tender neurons - she is the virgin universe awakening from her dreamsleep to become the black madonna - once we fix the bluebeard phenomena we get to be the brides of light

nature pumps out mobile units through one woman - many little pre-conditioned hands and feet to do the work of building for the alien - man is a self-generating chemical factory beginning from the moment of conception and continuing age after age after age

the infant is born eager for life and affection - yet it is limited to a narrow understanding - limited through the way in which ego registers incoming feelings of like and dislike - cultural super ego edicts are passed from generation to generation to take care of the ongoing coding like the storyboard of moses

in seeing the printout of these punch coded preconditionings one is able to pull the whole negative backing off the infrastructure - this is a delicate process if no brain damage is to occur - it is like having teeth pulled without any anaesthetic

pulling mind teeth hardly qualifies a teacher to win a popularity contest - but the salvation of earth was riding on the outcome - pull one set of teeth - loosen em all - the decoding process - through the stinking underworld of the whited sepulchre right back to the pre-adamic storyboard where the rebellion begun at the alpha of genesis

our lady earth had to submit to the rebellion - is she a nitwit a raped and tortured victim - or a blind divine love principle - each child is eager to please its gods or elders - this is the only power it can get

to develop serious mind power one needs to find pure scholarship which is not diverted by aspirations of physical reward - this equates to the classical metaphysical conundrum - a blind man in a dark room - looking for a black cat - which isnt there

the child can only go by the tempo and tone of the purring - parental purring is the love-engine that keeps the infants world humming along - when the engine stops purring the child goes into shock or confusion - the child within spends the rest of its life trying to find the place of the purring - in the esoterics of the egyptian storyboard this is where the cat finally cuts off the head of the snake of time in the very last tabloid scenario - child-coding constitutes the underbrush that must be cleared in order to transverse the river styx across which each of us must pass on our journey home to heaven - due to the fact that the changeover of this system calls for a move from a luciferin to a unified field plane - crossing the styx involves the judgement and deliverance of both the living and the dead

only god the father can give the final word of delivery to end all former pre-conditioning - this happens after the completion of the life cycle of the electron - now the human race can make the crossing all together - this second coming of the light is for all the world

time has no place in the upper world - this is something that is completely understood by the indigenous people - the negative-restrictive punch-coding set by moses of egypt is a lure to consume the whole apple of knowledge of the gods - right down to the poisoned core of pre-coditioning which takes all you have to give

no god of love could have conceived of such a thing - then the orb rolled around to view the other side of the god-coin - this is the path less travelled - man had been caught in a rebellion - in which the laws of evolution aligned against the virginal matriarchal goddess

in turning to face the facts we have learned in the school of life - womankind gain an intimate knowledge of evil - this is the ultimate mind-food of the critical feminine bio-mass - one woman - touched tendrils in the labyrinth of yin our ladys underworld - gained 20-20 hindsight into the pre-coditioning of our specie and the way in which we have all been encoded as instruments of organization for the gods

for woman to blame man for the dilemma - or vice versa is futile - our whole race was set up from the beginning - while disguised as humane beings our race has been preconditioned into the wolf pack hierarchy of nations born to urinate on each others territories in a constant competition for top dog - this is the secret goal of hundreds of deep rooted secret societies and global cults - each of whom when you strip off the window dressing believes it has the power of christ within its group - both sexes have been punch-coded to respond to the authority figures who exemplify top dog mentality - it is clear that babylon is fallen - it totally exposes the nature and status of the rebellion - born of spiritual wickedness in high places and its effects in the 20th century

a marvellous garment - a new overcrust and a new canopy - a jewelled robe will be one in which every life form on this starship earth can share - everything will sparkle - planetary housekeeping and husbandry will be a full time occupation

there will be no financial cost - the illusion of money is an expensive vanity that we can no longer afford - natural energy - elohimic intelligence and mans ingenuity combined is all we need to complete the whole earth restoration

the only force that can defeat the law of sin and death is divine or unconditional love the potential of the neu earth era - based on solid bar codes of excellence in all the people

the reason why the third secret of fatima has been kept secret is that it reveals how the devil would rule the world in the end days and that this would end the reign of pre-conditioned power of all established churches and separative religions - this state of affairs is something with which the bible concurs

the glorious race of free men will dedicate this planet to our lady - the esoterics of the brides of christ portrays the final battle front of ego vs super ego - in the battle both of these pre-conditioned components surrender to the spiritual mind which is truly the bride of christ

gabriel the messenger of the gods - mercury in the greek - has come to many key transmutation characters - such as mary and mohammed in the cave - the original mosaic documents speak not of jhvh but of allah as being the point of relativity by which all the quarkfields finally align - words may differ but functions do not change across the fields of time

the promise to all mankind is the same - there shall be no more curse - god shall wipe all tears from their eyes - there shall be no death neither sorrow nor pain - for the former things have passed away - he that overcometh shall inherit all things

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