welcome to a world of virtual reality where solution is the only game in
town - we promise you will never be bored - you can step in and out of the
fast lane as you choose - materialise dreams of territorial conquest -
become a celestial mariner sail in unchartered waters - scale new
heights of mind - you can be any character desired run your own starship -
spotlight the enterprising spirit of
neu era who are the first permanent settlers to arrive in
the neu world - we have made it here because of special qualities - we
were called and were chosen - as the first we
can each start any cosmic enterprise we so desire - just so long as it is
in keeping with universal - once the model is laid it can
explode into limitless avenues of possibility provided the codex is
kept - this infinite win win win formula is inviolable for the benefit of
this is the mutual benefit of the three sided light field triangle taught to
members of the unified forces - the base of this equilateral
triangle is the tree of life - side (2) is the merchants love of his/her
merchandise - side (3) is the love of the consumer who will benefit from
the product of sides one and two
by keeping ones eye in the exact centre of this triangle all
will prosper - the centrepoint of this pyramidal structure is impartiality
towards the common benefit solution
the titans have employed psycho-technology for social engineering and
control of the critical mass since the beginning of time - in the moment
of the awakening the sovereign person blows the cobwebs of antiquity
from the mind - it is mindblowing to see how the ruling elite have robbed
man of self love and respect - they have manipulated men to fight
each other for their own benefit - they have bent man away from his
natural instinct of warm co-operation with his fellow common man and
out of harmony with natural and spiritual law - no anti-nature based
intelligence can survive - the church and state use the religious goat
to herd the lambs of god into the bottomless pit of servitude of the
mass to the elite - the crop puts an end to this - no more
virgin blood need be shed once we have woken up
bridgeing the fascinating world of high spirituality and
down to earth business - the true man is essentially a spiritual being
with untapped genius trapped behind the veil of bonded consciousness -
transcendence has little value if it does not lead into an engagement
with the dark forces in the world around us - this calls for a massive
injection of spiritual enterprise
the analogy of the lotus blossom is pertinent - its roots are deep within
the nutritious slime at the bottom of the pond - then it shoots up a long
stalk towards the light and blossoms in the sun
the inner sun is shining and the liaisons of the realm - the most high are
ready to receive the children - we can expect millions of immigrants in the next little
while as spiritual encounters multiply and the exodus from chaos
continues plans for the final assault on earths decadent system
we must alleviate all possible distress as a result of the planetary agenda
to bring abundant life not further slavery - there have been many books written
about new and innovative win win win priceless economic systems - it
begins by spotlighting worship of the golden calf for what it truly
is - death and despair
the upheaval of the fabric is shortly due to climax in a volcanic
eruption - for all is one
in nature and the spiritually awake person understands the way evolving
man has been at war with nature and her process of retaliation -
education in whats what and whos who
for the interchange of cosmic rhythms in the singular one is absolute -
natural disaster is not co-incidental but a reflection on the interlaced
paths of the iving universal process - the imbalance between the give
and take between systems has reached a point of no return insofar as
sentient nature is concerned and action to remove the offending
parasite (man) is automatic
the unified field is valid across all systems and dimensions - every
particle is affected by the will of the one - disease and natural
disaster is all part of the apocalyptic message - i am all in all and
i am one - the relationship between natural disasters and diseases is not
coincidental - man is only a part of the system - he does not control it
and the sooner we figure this out the quicker the solution will come
psycho-tronic social engineers and economists appear to have no
understanding of the danger occurred in exponential growth - they seem
blindly confident that repeats of yesterdays mechanisms in which less
than 10% of the earths population consume the natural and human
resource profits from the 90% who do the work will alleviate the
symptoms of power lust and greed - this type of social engineering is
western communism has collapsed - next to fall is obsolete capitalism
which reflects the head-space of the beast of revelations - modern
capitalism lacks all sense of balance in a sustainable monetary system
- this cement jungle practise of putting might before right in
taking of earths bounty has to be eliminated
the drastic changes wrought in our social revolution (evolution) to
neu earth enterprises will hurt the rich who tread the easy
path of profits often passed from generation to generation - any
government which has opted for monetary reforms has met with harsh
opposition - the common man is kept in ignorance of damaging financial
facts so cannot base his democratic judgement on reality but rather on
the reflection of the magic lantern onto his mind screen by the money
after the flip from 666 to 999 the first settlers of the neu era
come into view - tribute to the titans who make the tree of life into a
tree of lice no longer applies - take up new positions
to become the entrepreneurs in the new dimensions - the flash of their
codes is powerfully magnetic - within the golden triangle of triple
benefits we can start a balanced system for the benefit of all where the
exchange of goods and services is not necessarily based on money
as human transmitters of the good news - we have a mighty selling job to do
- radiant possibilities for all the people when personal initiative is
directed to a positive solution
money matters are a two way street - in early times money helps the flow
of goods and services - in the end days it creates a formidable series of
toll gates - the primary producer has to pay fees to sell his goods - this
toll becomes such an unbearable top-heavy burden on the common people
that they cannot buy the goods - this is part of the message to start the
crystal bells a ringing
by keeping the covenant of the magic triangle we can each become a
master salesperson in the neu era - in this way the small business
person can reap rich rewards and bring abundance and peace on earth
while doing it
raise your enterprising instinct for the neu earth is literally a place
of new enterprises and new solutions all
of which can be backed by neu earth physics - the carbon molecule is the
carrier signal of the audio signal - we can translate this into silicone
chips diskettes and all other ways to use our initiatives to each
become like a clear crystal bell
each item fosters the concept of quality before quantity of lifestyle -
quantitive growth rather than qualative mass - at the present time our
biggest shortage is qualified teachers - this is a most dignified
profession in the neu world
in our great crystal domed city its like living in a seamless crystal world
that is all reflective angles - angles are angels at the crossroads
of each thought - as we join hands it is the making of a neu phase of
personal professional and business ethics - we are each claiming our
piece of the fabric of the ark
it is as if your inner eye goes round like a searchlight in a circle
looking at all the angles both favourable and unfavourable - this is how
we exercise reflective thought - to overlook an angle in forming
a decision is to be lacking in spiritual skills
this is where the host which is the guts of main frame kicks in -
spiritual humility is the correction mechanism born of millions of
computations based on all-time all people experience - main frame is the
keeper of the akashic record - these balance the total facts of building
the world of the dark crystal (matter) civilization
on star ship earth - minute accounting is an integral part of the main frame
refelctive thought
it is only when our debt to the tree of life is paid that we stop being
parasitic - then we can enter as a neu earth entrepreneur with a clean
white stone - an unblotted accounting book - square with god square with self
and square with our fellow man
from the ashes of an obsolete system - to institute everything that
is good and right for both finity and infinity
[ center link] <- [mIrrOr] -> [human transmitters ]