
constructive work

citizenship in the neu earth era begins with the recognition of the global situation beginning with an hypothesis by which we can tie all the loose ends together - one is then a member of phase II - the human race is engaged in a war of worlds - man is loosing this war due to arrogance or failure to recognise the signs in the sky of an assault on this civilization by extra terrestrial intelligence

logic demands we explore all the facts and fit them together into a pattern of cognitive consistency by using facts and witnesses - all facts and witnesses can by co-ordinated within the mirror

1. facts - all known data on (a) science (b) religion (c) psychology (d) philosophy

2. witnesses - (a) living in the 20th century (b) post mortem evidence from ancient wisdom to present times

3. co-ordination factor - the mirror

one planet - one people - one meganation earth is the view - everyone on earth is invited to participate in a partnership of global corporate affairs

we have laid enough burnt offerings on the altar of the past - the gods of yesterday are satiated with our blood offerings - we have consumed the golden apple and have eaten of the bitter herbs for complete digestion - as a whole earth meganation with a whole earth army of restoration and revitalization - man is free at last

stupidity is the only unforgivable sin - each one of us can see how a single computer with interlocking templates - local regional national international can run earth as a unified field - a single corporation dedicated to peace and prosperity for all - our whole earth corporation will be run all up front with the whole world watching commenting contributing supplying corrective feedback on all levels of the corporate tiers that go to make this self sufficient starship operational

we see the ease with which we can crystallize the harmony of the spheres as quarksville moves from invisibility to visibility with all the truth beauty and wisdom quarks moving to upfront centre stage - there is a tremendous will to good in this world - those who have moved from observation into action (from moon to sun stance) feel it happening and both aspects of the second coming are visible to all with eyes to see - come on networkers you can do it - all this brilliant intellectual competition is only valid while we are still growing up from adolescence to maturity - into computer games and kid stuff - once into an harmonic convergence your concentrated intelligence moves from being like the shifting chips of sand by the inclusion of a drop of catalyst - divine love manifest in networked telecommunications to set the standard of the new global provisioning architecture - free communications for all - mankind urgently needs this elixir of the gods

we have to build a whole new house - there are certain treasures to salvage but these are more like furnishings than the actual house- building - the builders of the neu earth era are a fully maturated specie - esoterics teach that mega-god is a like a snowman composed of many unique snowflakes

the snowflake-man is cool and objective in piecing his/her sagacity-snowflakes into the revitalized snowman - he/she is raised to specification bereft of personal vanity bent only on building the new world pyramid which will withstand all the future ravages of time

this planet is like a huge brain with its neurons disconnected - we can correct the root cause - stop the bleeding - and start pumping in the water of life into the most parched areas - we can make this valley of dry bones bloom again

we have to start from scratch - there is no point in putting new wine into old bottles - we began by postulating earth as being like the moon - a clean white stone untouched by human hand - we postulated that we were bringing heaven down into this planetary system - we had been in this sector of the Universe many aeons ago and still had access to the original plan

picture slipping a set of clear coloured flimsies over a flat earth diagram - the first flimsy was blue to register the outline of the present state of earths domestic affairs - it ran an outline of the path from a - Z showing which corrective tapes had to be run - beginning with attention to the weakest places

then a green flimsy to outline the needs of global educational and social services - green represented the new earth communications system - like the global telethons we will run to show the people how the reconstruction work is going

a yellow flimsy outlined the administrative detail for local and regional supply systems - like a blueprint of how plumbing pipes and energy systems will run in our new earth sky mansion - overlapping templates come together as in a quilting bee for the trousseau of our lady gaia

red is doing it - by getting all the planning done before we make the final move to ultimate planetary heaven in a lightning strike of transmutation - this is where silicone valley radiates ultimate satisfaction in being ready to take to take that first strike imperative

micro computers have none of the false sense of adequacy that plagues the old guard of world leaders - being able to utilize corrective feedback instantly is the secret of success - inability to utilize corrective feedback from the grass roots upwards is the ultimate narcissism of the present system - it leads to the bottomless pit of impotency as it insulates leaders from the supreme common sense of the grass roots mind - constructive work is the secret of joy everlasting - work for the sake of ultimate self actualization through the self love which springs from personal perfection ie. professionals joined in guilds which set and maintain bar-codes to protect their craftsmanship from inferior intrusions

then will the sons of men respond - then will a newer light shine forth into the dismal weary vale of earth - then will new life course through the veins of men and then will their vision compass all the ways of what may be

so peace will come again on earth but a peace unlike aught known before - then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding and understanding blossom as goodwill in men

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