yes - the ultimate outcome is
- yes there is no opposition or resistance involved with this empowering
education accessible by all
in regards to -- how these organic movements effect the over-all
re-alignment of a massive psychic distortion about nature and just how
much balance it always provides -- if the simplicity of this has a
psychic weight that is still too rapid and would result in open
acceleration capable of overwhelming the transitional movements that are
occurring --
it all starts wth progressive adoption - since it is not for gain or at
the advantage of another most aspects are well within a safe verifiable
realm sensing this type of openness and its regulation as a key in
unleashing the psychic dynamics capable of shifting dimensional
perception -- the selective hypnotic avoidance to correlate all of the
problems and atrocities to media controlling of foundational functions
that largely make up the body of communications/power has a position as
a revelation mechanism - the ability for an individual to use the media
mechanism to xorcise their notion of self power over others thru
communications has been reflective on the process to say the least -
xperience is the true source of knowledge - all the focus and coverage
for a stable base of peaceful activity had been declared - the free-zone
reported this and has turned it into reality -- the impact this info
power has had on a world wide awareness of just how much sinister
xaggeration it takes to influence a reality of perception in the psychic
pool of media morphogenetics lead to several years of disclosure which
continues to add depth to most every aspect of media transfer that
- think of its effect
what part is the telephone .... why .... most of what is occurring
is in the form of tele-phone-vision connection - note the line between
tele-vision and tele-phone no longer xists the unification of a full
telepresence has created its effect - sound + vision progresses to full
telepresence via remote electronics open communication is full
broadcast power to anyone that can creatively use it de-regulated
from licensed control of the devices and resources that allow it to
occur within these dimensional parameters of residency
the organic relationship with nature as the guidance and
reverence/reference system providing the desire to discipline suggests
barriers can be reduced drastically with the awareness that most seem to
be positioned to communicate the truth of their situation even if its a
lie ..... from a media point of view comprehensive studies reveal the
info growth of the topical spectrum is near indescribable while at the
same time easily verified with logs of a brief fifty year
hyper-dimensional study of creativity that via telegentics has revealed
time circuits capable of sustaining atmospheres with magnetic field
effect resonant unified thought transmission highly resourceful for
coe-operational achievement in relation to integrative natural adoption
and practice of a clear channel communication that everyone understands
- loves to xperience + most are in total awe of the natural higher
creative reflections it provides due to electricity's current
manifestation - consciousness - is remote non local to an actual
relativity that reveals - with no survival loop interjected in the power
and communication apparatus most psychic speculations would have no
basis - simple open communications would solve all imbalance with the
truth that limited survival lifestyle due to regulation of natural
resources has reached the point of obvious visibility - these things are
relative and simple and they are the solution - psychic-ally weaning
from the mechanism used to create this survival loop $$$$ is occurring -
it is peace - anyone can achieve peace in understanding that all
institution and communication via licensed controlled survival circuits
are tools to reveal this balance of elementals ... consider there are
quite a few life forms all drawing power - sustenance from this system
as they produce for it ... getting the creative sektors of the psyche to
a fully integrated communication xchange on the glorious achievement
this is - how each and everyone is involved while having a truly unique
signature to differentiate code - be creative - patterned progression of
the neu-tron bio sync-lok there are many forms of communication -
neu ones with alternatives that have always xisted - harmony frequencies
most tune into while sweeping the spectrum of telegenetic broadcasts
capable of opening time tunnels for enhanced viewing - this has nothing
to do with any government religion license or law it is the persona
sensory organic translation overlay in synchrony with eternal universal
rhythms being in unity - we are - otherwise its speculating that
the whole of our parameter is more or less than this organic guidance
system has created = a re-mark-able working model that is open to
individual interaction
the logic of peaceful perception via acceptance of response-able focused
interaction has proposed a next step as well as the next view of where
all this x-tended sensory communication has transported these vibrations
to knowing how much openness there is to enhance just about anything
- asks - why not start with your most available resource - the truth
the process is fully detailed available on-line encoded in the media
spanning the networked domain arkitectures --
its design is self sufficient - as far as accessibility - a capability
for any individual to be well on the way to understanding and adopting
whatever level of sovereignty desired - simple
honest verifiable truth its all in your mind - are
you at peace - honest
[previous: arena of con-fusion] . [nucleus] . [next: are u at