control tower of the mothership - keeper of the storyboard of man is now flashing psi
particles in all directions
the universe is a living being composed of a multitude of intelligent lite molecules - u and i
electron sparked time cell to cycle universal realms of xistence
thought mind into matter - our electro magnetic self is dipped
into the sea of carbon life
neu specie xperiment which was declared good before it began - human intelligence objective to translate god consciousness across dimensional time space activities - exclusive to human xperience - god conscious = life force animating matter in a spontaneous continuum ordered by
spiritual natural social law - sovereign function provides condition for individual balance and service to others in doing the same
natural law - nature produces a resource for soul of creative application and identity catalyst to the worlds of matter
soul/spark meets with ego/self sojourn to spiritual growth of who and what we are - onto the summit of cosmic consciousness
adopting this operating system is cosmic citizenship - all reside here out of time in litebody to uphold this unified field of creative integrity
natural organic elemental realms of xistence provide resources and sustenance to all creature life which are reflections/xpressions of the human forms connections to the consciousness that animates
all of the elemental coding and resources are embedded in the natural laws - how to maintain and provide abundant sustenance is the naturally occurring unilaw to be upheld - no harm and in complete service to the mothership
trees uphold economic law in all they provide and teach us how to apply the resources continually provisioned
flower and herbal remedies are based on both the spiritual and physical properties combined - respect for divine intelligence is the key ingredient
consciousness health - nutrition is communication code - all of the plant kingdom communicates and provides the resources to produce abundance and health - contained in all of the vibrational resonance and lite energy within the plant kingdom is a highly advanced operating system = nutritional sensory balance component of carbon units cosmic consciousness objective
source uses its network of creatures for conscious signal from the material realms - to activate and empower the creature life the interactive network of plant life provides sustaining resources to the habitat and inhabitants via its solar axis with the unified field - this represents the foundation of and platform for universal law - reflected by the imbalance produced in not practicing natural protocol
sincerity faith aspiration devotion and surrender are the required qualities - this is how a variety of healing white cells are formed and introduced into earths sick blood stream
spiritual law of no harm - natural law of abundance and economy - social law of service
the inter-related laws of spirit nature and society explode into the higher mind as we realize that the lower realms of life are both subservient to and the mediums of the higher realms of consciousness - universal law is inviolable - there is no way anyone can break it - it is only possible for each individual to break himself against universal law